A wage: manupretium, -i (Pl)
A wage: manupretium, -i (Pl)
Make s.o. wait: aliquem morari (T)
I’m making my quests wait: egomet convivas moror
To lie in wait for s.o./ s.t.: aucupari aliquem/ aliquid (Pl)
To lie in wait for s.o. alicui imminere (F)
To lie in wait for s.o. alicui imminere (F)
What are you waiting for? (i.e. why are you hesitating?) Quid cessas? (T) What am I waiting for: quid cesso? (Pl)
Why am I/ are you/ is he etc. waiting to.....? Quid cessas + infinitive (Pl)
Why are they waiting to give me their gifts? quid cessant mihi dona conferre?
I can't wait to..... gestio + infin (T)
To wait for s.o. to do s.t.: expectare ut aliquis aliquid faciat (S)
To wait until: expectare dum + subj (Pl)
To wait for s.o. until: aliquem opperi dum +subj. (Pl)
I am waiting until my friend comes: amicum opperior dum veniat
To keep s.o. waiting: differre aliquem in diem (S)
Why am I/ are you/ is he etc. waiting to.....? Quid cessas + infinitive (Pl)
Why are they waiting to give me their gifts? quid cessant mihi dona conferre?
I can't wait to..... gestio + infin (T)
To wait for s.o. to do s.t.: expectare ut aliquis aliquid faciat (S)
To wait until: expectare dum + subj (Pl)
To wait for s.o. until: aliquem opperi dum +subj. (Pl)
I am waiting until my friend comes: amicum opperior dum veniat
To keep s.o. waiting: differre aliquem in diem (S)
Head waiter: triclinarius (P)
Walk-way/ promenade: ambulacrum (AG)
To go out for a walk: exire ambulatum
Have a good walk! Bene ambula! (Pl)
Wake up! (ie., come to your senses!): vigila! (Pl)
Wake up! (ie., come to your senses!): vigila! (Pl)
To lean against a wall: patronus parieti stare (Pl)
To wank: praeputium ducere (J)
Is that what you want? Itane vis? (T)
I'll do whatever I want: faciam quidquid libitum erit animo meo (Pl)
To want desperately: misere nimis cupere (T)
To declear war: bellum indicare (H)
In war and peace: militiae et domi (T)
We always stood together in war and peace: una semper fuimus militiae et domi (T)
I'll do whatever I want: faciam quidquid libitum erit animo meo (Pl)
To want desperately: misere nimis cupere (T)
To declear war: bellum indicare (H)
In war and peace: militiae et domi (T)
We always stood together in war and peace: una semper fuimus militiae et domi (T)
A woman’s wardrobe: ornamenta, -orum (T)
I’ll give some money for my daughter’s wardrobe: pecuniam dabo filiae ornamentis.
To display one’s wares/ what one has to offer: mercem gestare (H)
To warm up (before exercise / a game): incalescere (Er)
I haven't warmed up yet: nondum incaluerunt vires.
Wary: cautus, -a, -um (T)
Unwary: imprudens, -entis (P)
Was this the reason that...?
To warm up (before exercise / a game): incalescere (Er)
I haven't warmed up yet: nondum incaluerunt vires.
Wary: cautus, -a, -um (T)
Unwary: imprudens, -entis (P)
Was this the reason that...?
Was it for this that….? ideo….? (S)
Was this the reason that I suppressed the civil wars? Ideo civilia bella compescui?
To waste: absumere/ aliquid perdere (T)
To be wasted: ludi
Time and effort is wasted: opera luditur
To waste one’s time and energy: oleum et operam perdere
To waste one's time and money: tempus et rem perdere (Er)
To waste one's time and money: tempus et rem perdere (Er)
Waste one’s efforts: operam conterere (T)/ nugas agere (Pl)
Wasteful: prodigus, -a, -um (AG)
To waste one's time: operam perdere (S)
You needn't fear that you wasted your time: non est quod timeas, ne operam perderis.
Wasteful: prodigus, -a, -um (AG)
To waste one's time: operam perdere (S)
You needn't fear that you wasted your time: non est quod timeas, ne operam perderis.
To watch s.t. / s.o. speculari aliquid / aliquem (L) aliquid / aliquem spectare (H)
Watch it! Malo cave! (Pl) cave malam rem! (Pl)
Just watch me (in a threat): me specta modo (Pl)
To keep watch: adservare (Pl)
He should be keeping watch day and night: adservaret dies noctesque
To keep watch: in custodia esse (Pl)
To throw cold water on s.t./s.o.: aliquid/ aliquem suffundere frigidam aquam
To waver: labascere (T)
To waver: labascere (T)
That’s the way it is: sic res se habet
The way things are (introducing a consequence): ita res se habet... (Pl)
The way things are, I have no wish to live: ita res se habet, vitae haud parco.
The way things are (introducing a consequence): ita res se habet... (Pl)
The way things are, I have no wish to live: ita res se habet, vitae haud parco.
To lose one’s way: deerrare (Tr)/ via (abl) devertere (Lv)
To go out of one’s way: devertere ad + gerund/gerundive (C)
To make one's way: dare cursum.
To make one's way: dare cursum.
A way out / a solution: exitus, -us (C)
On the way/ on one's way: in itinere (T) in cursu (Er)
I’ll find a way to…. inveniam aliquid ut…. (T)
That way: istius modi (T)
I’m not surprised that you are that way…. Non miror te esse istius modi (T)
To get one’s way: impetrare (T)
To be in s.o.’s way: obesse alicui (AG)/ alicui obstare (H)
To be in s.o.’s way: alicui officere
So, that's the way it is, is it? Siccine hoc fit? (Pl)
To be in the way: obesse (Pl)
To be in s.o.'s way: alicui obesse (Pl)
To get out of s.o.'s way" abscedere (ab) aliquo (Pl)
Get out of my way! abscede! (Pl)
This way: hac (Pl)
Go along this way: i hac
To force one's way into: impetum facere in + acc. (Pl)
There is a way to.... est quomodo/ qui + subj. (Pl)
You did not think that there was a way I could get even with you: non censebas mihi esse qui te ulciscerer.
So, that's the way it is, is it? Siccine hoc fit? (Pl)
To be in the way: obesse (Pl)
To be in s.o.'s way: alicui obesse (Pl)
To get out of s.o.'s way" abscedere (ab) aliquo (Pl)
Get out of my way! abscede! (Pl)
This way: hac (Pl)
Go along this way: i hac
To force one's way into: impetum facere in + acc. (Pl)
There is a way to.... est quomodo/ qui + subj. (Pl)
You did not think that there was a way I could get even with you: non censebas mihi esse qui te ulciscerer.
In every conceivable way: quoquo modo (Pl)
All the way: usque (T)
Come on, hork it up all the way: age usque exsrea
In both ways: in utramque partem (AG)
The question has been answered in both ways: queastio in utramque partem arbitrata est.
This is the way it is: sic est (S)
Ways of the world: mores publici (S)
In every way: in omnibus modis (Pl)
Poor people have a hard life in every way: pauperes omnibus modis miseri vivunt.
There's no way that.... non est quod + subj (Er)
But if anything happens, there is no way that you will ever again use me as your representative: quod si quid accidat, non est quod me posthac utamini legato.
A weakling: enervis, -is (S)
Filthy rich: saplutus, -i (P)
Loaded: sucosus, -i (P)
To wear s.t. out: aliquid conterere (Pl) aliquid disterere (P) aliquid contribere (Ap)
Weather (Com JLR. 6)
De Meteoris et Novis Phaenomenis
On Things Meteorological and Strange Phenomena
Vapores aquosi perpetuo sursum feruntur.
Water vapour is always rising.
Ex his densatis fit nubes; aut, si haec deorsum labitur, nebula.
A cloud is created from these [vapours] when condensated; or, if it drifts down, a fog.
Inde pluit, ningit, grandinat, gelat.
From this it rains, snows, hails, freezes.
Plecas minutulis guttulis irrorat / substillat; pluvia destillat lente; largus imber dense devolvitur; nimbus impetuose ruit.
Drizzle sprinkles / drips with tiny droplets; rain drops gently; a heavy downpour falls thick; a storm comes crashing down violently.
Sin inter decidendum destillandumque gelascit, fit grando; si incalescit nimium, uredo vel rubigo.
But if while falling and dropping it freezes, it becomes hail; if it becomes too warm, blight or mildew.
Pruina est congelatus ros; stiria, stilla rigens (quae rigore obduruit / obriguit); drosomeli / melroscidum / melligo a quibusdam creditur saliva siderum congalescens.
Hoar frost is frozen dew; an icicle, a stiffened droplet (which has hardened with cold / become hard) honey-dew is believed by some to be a jelly [congealing saliva] from the stars.
Nivium magna vis segetem operit, ne a gelu vel glacie quando glaciatur / algeat (nisi regalat, fiant gelecidia).
A great deal of snow covers the cornfield [/crops], lest it freeze / be chilled with the frost or ice (unless it thaws, frosts occur).
Aura lenis cum spirat, focillat nos, et gelata degelant. ventus vehemens et impetuosus cum flat, quatit. violentus et procellosus prosternit et proterit, quoquo se vertit.
When a gentle breeze blows, it warms us, and thaws out what is frozen. When a powerful and forceful wind blows, it shakes [things]. A violent and stormy [wind] lays [things] flat and smashes [them], wherever it turns.
Cardinales (qui flant a quattuor mundi plagas) sunt Subolanus (Eurus, orientalis), Auster (Notus, Meridionalis), Favonius (Zephyrus, Occidentalis), Aquilo (Boreas, Septentrionalis). collaterales, Vulturnus, Africus (Libs), Corus et Caecias.
The principal [winds] (which blow from the four corners of the world), are Subolanus (Eurus, East Wind), Auster (Notus, South Wind), Favionius (Zephyr, West Wind), Aquilo (Boreas, North Wind). The collateral/ side winds are Vulturnus [South-East], Africus [South-West], Corus [North-West], and Caecias [North-East].
Circuis et turbo in gyrum se mirifice circumagunt.
A whirlwind and tornado whirl astonishingly.
Exhalationes sulphureae incensae edunt fulgura, fulgetra et chasmata.
Sulphureous exhalations when kindled emit lightning, heat-lightening [sheet lightening?] and gaping holes.
Et tum caloris cum frigore pugna tonitrua ciet, cum fragore terribili.
And then the conflict of heat with cold produces thunder, with its terrifying crash.
Emicans inde flamma fulmen nuncupatur (quod telum fulmineum sive lapidem ceraunium expellit/ exigit ac contorquet).
The flame flaring from this is called lightening (which emits, expels and hurls out the thunderbolt or meteorite ("lightning stone").
Quod, sive sit urens, sive discutiens, sive terebrans momento se dissipat. quidquid eo icitur aut afflatum corruit.
Which, whether it is scorching, shattering or piercing lightning, dissipates in a moment. Whatever is struck or blasted by it collapses.
Cum fulgurat, tonat, fulminat, quis non attonitus et sideratus pavescit?
Whenever it flashes, thunders, lightnings, who, thunderstruck and planet-stricken, does not quake with fear?
Cometa / stella crinita numquam fulsit, quin sterilitatem inureret terris aut infectionem.
A comet / haired star never shone without inflicting sterility or infection on the world.
Iris matutina, ut et halo (et parelius et paraselene, scilicet idolum solis aut lunae in nube ad latus eius positae resplendentis), caelum pluvium, nubilosum, turbidum aut dubium praesagit; verspertina serenam tempestatem aut sudum praenuntiat.
A morning rainbow, as also a halo (and a mock-sun and mock-moon, that is a likeness of the sun or moon in a cloud placed shining to its side), foretells rainy, cloudy, rough or unsettled weather; an evening rainbow betokens fair weather and a clear sky.
A week from today: die septimi (Pl)
To weep for joy: lachrimare gaudio (T)
To carry the greatest weight: maximum pondus habere (Ap)
That's weird! bombax! (Pl)
To welcome someone: aliquem accipere (Pl) aliquem recipere (S)
You're welcome: factum volo (T)
To care for s.o.'s welfare : alicui consulere (Pl)
Well, now! quid nunc!
Well well! hem! (Pl)
Well, then.... ( Drawing a conclusion, as in A:. I believe that all men are mortal. B: Well, then. You must believe that Socrates is mortal): quid ergo? (Petrarch LS)
Well well! hem! (Pl)
Well, then.... ( Drawing a conclusion, as in A:. I believe that all men are mortal. B: Well, then. You must believe that Socrates is mortal): quid ergo? (Petrarch LS)
To be fairly well: valere commodo (Fr)
Might as well: una opera (abl) (Pl)
A. Deceive me, deceive my wife! B. You might as well order me to go fishing in the air: Qua me, qua uxorem circumduce. B. Iubeas una opera me piscari in aere.
To wet the bed: lectum commingere
Might as well: una opera (abl) (Pl)
A. Deceive me, deceive my wife! B. You might as well order me to go fishing in the air: Qua me, qua uxorem circumduce. B. Iubeas una opera me piscari in aere.
To wet the bed: lectum commingere
What?! Hem (T)
What’s going on? Quid rei est? (T)
What's going on here? Quid negotii hic est? (Pl)
What for? cui rei? (Pl)
What if....? Quid si...? (Pl)
What if I call the slaves here? quid si ego huc servos cito?
What's going on here? Quid negotii hic est? (Pl)
What for? cui rei? (Pl)
What if....? Quid si...? (Pl)
What if I call the slaves here? quid si ego huc servos cito?
I remember when… memini cum… + indic. (P)
Whenever: quoties (Er)
Where is the world? Ubi gentium? (Pl) Also quo genitum, unde gentium, etc.
To have the wherewithal: habere unde (P)
Whenever: quoties (Er)
Where is the world? Ubi gentium? (Pl) Also quo genitum, unde gentium, etc.
To have the wherewithal: habere unde (P)
In a while: post paulo
A while ago: dudum (Pl)
A while ago: dudum (Pl)
A little while: paulisper
Please, just for a little while! Quaeso, paulisper (T)
While s.t. is / was going on: inter + gerund (AG)
While he was being flogged: inter vapulandum
For a while now: iamdudum (T)
He has been busy with something in the country for a while now: iamdudum aliquid ruri agit.
To whine about s.t.: aliquid ogganire (T)
She has something to whine about: haec habet quod ogganiat.
To whine: gannio, -ire (T)
While s.t. is / was going on: inter + gerund (AG)
While he was being flogged: inter vapulandum
For a while now: iamdudum (T)
He has been busy with something in the country for a while now: iamdudum aliquid ruri agit.
To whine about s.t.: aliquid ogganire (T)
She has something to whine about: haec habet quod ogganiat.
To whine: gannio, -ire (T)
To whisper s.t. to s.o.: aliquid alicui insusurrare (S)
To whistle: sibilare (HA)
To white-wash: dealbare
Whoa (expression of somewhat displeased/ disapproving surprise): ohe (Pl)
Whoa (expression of somewhat displeased/ disapproving surprise): ohe (Pl)
Why do you ask? Quid enim? (H)
This is why.... hoc est quod + indic. (Pl)
Why is it that....? quidnam est quod + indic. (T)
Widespread: fusus, -a, -um (C)
Widespread superstition preys on our weakness: fusa superstitio nostram delibilitatem occupat.
To wiggle one's butt: nates intorquere (Ap) nates quassare (Ap)
To run wild: saevire
To run wild for s.t.: in aliquid saevire
Of one's own free will: ultro (Pl)
De Voluntate et Affectibus (Com. ILR. 29)
On the Will and the Affections
Voluntatis est bona amare et velle, mala odisse et nolle.
Ex accidenti est, si cui haec placent, illa displicent, tum enim apparentia eam decipit, ut eligat deteriora, aut spernat quorum ignara est.
Ecce autem quam subiecta est affectibus; quam identidem iis pertubatur.
Absunt bona, ea desiderat, optat, avet, bonorum desiderio intabescit, bene ominatur, anhelat, conatur et molitur, quidquid potest; nihilo secius / nihilominus veretur.
Hinc desideria, vota, spes, studia, molimina, conatus, sollicitudo.
Antequam adipiscitur, cum taedio fert etiam paulae morae intercapediam.
Adsunt? gestit aviditate, laetatur, gaudet, exsulit gaudio, oblectat se fruendo iis, amittere metuit.
Inde hilaritas, laetitia, voluptas, iuncta tamen metui.
Eripiuntur? tristatur, dolet, queritur.
Hinc tristitia, paenitudo, querela, cordolium.
Magis vero mala eam inquietant et distrahunt.
Ventura enim abominant et aversatur ac declinat. quae formidat tamen, unde tremit et anguitur.
Hinc aversatio, timor et formido, tremor et anxietas.
Advenientia pavescit, horret, trepidat ad ea, vel stupescit / stupet, et exanimatur.
Inde pavor, horror, trepidatio.
Cum obvenerunt, irascitur interenti, maeret, deplorat et lugetillata.
Hinc ira, maestitia, luctus.
Secus / aliter se habet in alienis bonis et malis.
Ibi fortunato gratulatur aut invidet. his infelici commiserescit, eius vicem dolet, aut (si perversa est), exulat.
Boni ignorantia neglectum et aspernatione, violatio zelum adfert; satietas satiat et fastidium affert.
Pudor est et verecundia, siquis ob turpia erubescit. sed maeroris levamen erit, si cogites omnia omnibus accidere.
Siquidem post Lapsum, ex innata / ingenita nobis corruptela, nihil in nobis integrum: omnia (eheu!) mutila, manca, lacera.
Willy nilly
Of one's own free will: ultro (Pl)
De Voluntate et Affectibus (Com. ILR. 29)
On the Will and the Affections
Voluntatis est bona amare et velle, mala odisse et nolle.
Ex accidenti est, si cui haec placent, illa displicent, tum enim apparentia eam decipit, ut eligat deteriora, aut spernat quorum ignara est.
Ecce autem quam subiecta est affectibus; quam identidem iis pertubatur.
Absunt bona, ea desiderat, optat, avet, bonorum desiderio intabescit, bene ominatur, anhelat, conatur et molitur, quidquid potest; nihilo secius / nihilominus veretur.
Hinc desideria, vota, spes, studia, molimina, conatus, sollicitudo.
Antequam adipiscitur, cum taedio fert etiam paulae morae intercapediam.
Adsunt? gestit aviditate, laetatur, gaudet, exsulit gaudio, oblectat se fruendo iis, amittere metuit.
Inde hilaritas, laetitia, voluptas, iuncta tamen metui.
Eripiuntur? tristatur, dolet, queritur.
Hinc tristitia, paenitudo, querela, cordolium.
Magis vero mala eam inquietant et distrahunt.
Ventura enim abominant et aversatur ac declinat. quae formidat tamen, unde tremit et anguitur.
Hinc aversatio, timor et formido, tremor et anxietas.
Advenientia pavescit, horret, trepidat ad ea, vel stupescit / stupet, et exanimatur.
Inde pavor, horror, trepidatio.
Cum obvenerunt, irascitur interenti, maeret, deplorat et lugetillata.
Hinc ira, maestitia, luctus.
Secus / aliter se habet in alienis bonis et malis.
Ibi fortunato gratulatur aut invidet. his infelici commiserescit, eius vicem dolet, aut (si perversa est), exulat.
Boni ignorantia neglectum et aspernatione, violatio zelum adfert; satietas satiat et fastidium affert.
Pudor est et verecundia, siquis ob turpia erubescit. sed maeroris levamen erit, si cogites omnia omnibus accidere.
Siquidem post Lapsum, ex innata / ingenita nobis corruptela, nihil in nobis integrum: omnia (eheu!) mutila, manca, lacera.
Willy nilly
Willy-nilly: velit nolit
You win: superas (Pl)
To win over: conciliare
To get wind of s.t.: aliquid olfacere (T)
To wind something around something: aliquid aliqua re vincire (P)
To get wind of s.t.: aliquid olfacere (T)
To wind something around something: aliquid aliqua re vincire (P)
Picture window: paries vitrea (P)
Harsh wine: asperum (T)
Smooth wine: lene (T)
White wine: album (Pl)
Red wine: atrum (Pl)
To serve wine: cyathissare (Pl)
With wings spread: alis patentibus (P)
To wink at s.o. (as a secret means of communication): nictare alicui (Pl)
To completely "wipe the floor" with s.o.: aliquem totum converrere cum pulvisculo (Pl)
White wine: album (Pl)
Red wine: atrum (Pl)
To serve wine: cyathissare (Pl)
With wings spread: alis patentibus (P)
To wink at s.o. (as a secret means of communication): nictare alicui (Pl)
Wipping post: verbero, -onis (Pl)
To be wiped out (of one's money/ property): exungui (Pl)
To be wiped out (of one's money/ property): exungui (Pl)
To completely "wipe the floor" with s.o.: aliquem totum converrere cum pulvisculo (Pl)
Wise guy: sapiens (Fr)
To be a wise guy: sententias loqui (Er)
To be a wise guy: sententias loqui (Er)
I wish! Vellem quidem! (T)
To wish s.o. well sincerely/ to have sincere good wishes to s.o.: alicui ex animo bene velle (T)
To wish for most: praeoptare (Fr)
As you wish: ut libet (T)
You will get your wish: tibi optata optingent. (Pl)
You will get your wish: tibi optata optingent. (Pl)
To withdraw s.t. subtrahere aliquid
To withdraw money from the bank: pecuniam tollere (H)
To withdraw (intrans): concedere (T)
I'll withdraw from here into this nearby alley: hinc concedam in angiportum hoc proximum.
To withdraw into oneself: in se recondi (S)
To withdraw (intrans): concedere (T)
I'll withdraw from here into this nearby alley: hinc concedam in angiportum hoc proximum.
To withdraw into oneself: in se recondi (S)
To withdraw from: se subducere ab.... (P) (Er)
He begged pardon and after paying his respects to the guests, he withdrew from the table: precatus veniam ac salutatis convivis se a mensa subduxit.
Not to do something without doing something else: non facere aliquid quin + subjunctive (AG) (Fr)
You cannot sleep without sleeping late: non potes dormire quin prodormias
To do one thing without doing another: ita facere ut non..... (C)
He reads without weeping: ita legit ut non fleat.
Wit: urbanitas, -atis (P)
Witty: dicaculus, -a, um (H)
Wittisicm(s): urbanitas, -atis (P) facetiae -arum (T) dicta docta (Pl) dicteria (Er)
To do one thing without doing another: ita facere ut non..... (C)
He reads without weeping: ita legit ut non fleat.
Wit: urbanitas, -atis (P)
Witty: dicaculus, -a, um (H)
Wittisicm(s): urbanitas, -atis (P) facetiae -arum (T) dicta docta (Pl) dicteria (Er)
To do without/ go without: carere (2) + abl. (Er)
I'd rather do without money than beg from him: pecunia carere malo quam ex eo rogare.
To keep one’s wits about one: advigilare (T) praesenti animo esse (Er)
To use one's wits to do s.t.: gerere ingenium ad aliquid faciendum (Pl)
To use one's wits to do s.t.: gerere ingenium ad aliquid faciendum (Pl)
To keep the wolf from the door: frigus et famem propellere (H)
To keep the wolf from the door: famem a labris abigere (P)
A ravenous wolf: lupus hians (Er)
To keep the wolf from the door: famem a labris abigere (P)
A ravenous wolf: lupus hians (Er)
Womanizer: moechus mulierum (AG)
To wonder: demirari (Pl)
I wonder what it is: demiror quid sit
To go wool-gathering (ie, to wander idly in one's thoughts) alucinari (AG)
To wonder: demirari (Pl)
I wonder what it is: demiror quid sit
To go wool-gathering (ie, to wander idly in one's thoughts) alucinari (AG)
To give one’s word (of honour): dare firmitatem fidem (Pl)
To keep one’s word: fidem servare (T)
To take s.o.'s word for s.t.: credere alicui de aliqua re (Pl)
To take s.o.'s word for s.t.: credere alicui de aliqua re (Pl)
I couldn’t get a word out/ in edgewise: verbum non potui proloqui (T)
Feigned words: inventa verba
To breathe a word: verbum muttire (Pl)
He is a man of his work: huic fides est (T)
Honey words: mulsa dicta (Pl)
To breathe a word: verbum muttire (Pl)
He is a man of his work: huic fides est (T)
Honey words: mulsa dicta (Pl)
To go to work for someone else: ire in opus alienum (Pl)
To work for someone else: alienum negotium agere
To work for someone else: alienum negotium agere
To set upon one’s work: insistere negotium
To put s.o. to work at…. Aliquem exercere in…. (T)
To get down to work on something: incumbere alicui rei (Fr)
An ordinary work day (as opposed to a holiday) dies rerum agendarum (S)
Honest work / toil: opera proba (AG)
To work for s.o.: alicuius negotium agere (S)
That's all in a day's work for me: meo more facio (Pl)
Line of work/ trade: quaestus, -i (Pl)
It worked! successit! (Er)
An ordinary work day (as opposed to a holiday) dies rerum agendarum (S)
Honest work / toil: opera proba (AG)
To work for s.o.: alicuius negotium agere (S)
That's all in a day's work for me: meo more facio (Pl)
Line of work/ trade: quaestus, -i (Pl)
It worked! successit! (Er)
A workshop: opificina, -ae (Pl)
The ways of the world: publici mores (S)
To be on top of the world: abiisse in caelum (P)
The ways of the world: publici mores (S)
To be on top of the world: abiisse in caelum (P)
To worm one’s way in with s.o.: se insinuare ad (Pl)
Worn out: attritus (P)
Not worth.... -ing: male + perf. part. passive: (Pl). Not worth having: male habitum
Not worth.... -ing: male + perf. part. passive: (Pl). Not worth having: male habitum
Don’t worry: aliud cura! (T)
It worries me: id mihi sollicitudini est (T)
To escape from one's worries: se cura expedire (T)
It worries me: id mihi sollicitudini est (T)
To escape from one's worries: se cura expedire (T)
There’s nothing worse for s.o./ s.t.: nihil est alicui / alicui rei magis adversum
To be the worse for wear: usu nimio nequior esse (Pl)
To change for the worse: inclinari (P)
As soon as your affairs change for the worse, away go your friends: ubi semel res inclinata est, amici de medio.
To change for the worse: inclinari (P)
As soon as your affairs change for the worse, away go your friends: ubi semel res inclinata est, amici de medio.
To change (morally) for the worse: virtutes invertere (H)
To make s.t. worse: aliquid depravare (T)
There is nothing that can't be made worse in the telling: nil est quin male narrando possit depravari.
So much the worse: tanto nequior (T)
To be worthless: nihili esse (Pl)
Worthless: ficulnus, -a, -um (Er)
Worthless: ficulnus, -a, -um (Er)
Hui! (T) papae! (T)
To be a wreck: exanimatus esse (T)
Pamphilus is a wreck: Pamphilus exanimatus est
To finish writing: perscribere
To put s.t. in writing: aliquid litteris mandare (S)
To put s.t. in writing: aliquid litteris mandare (S)
If anything goes wrong: si quid adversi evenerit (T)
To do wrong/ go wrong: delinquere (Pl) (T)
To do s.o. wrong: in aliquem peccare (T)
To do wrong: perperam facere (AG)
To go wrong: peccare (S)
To put right a wrong: peccatum corrigere (T)
Yeah, right! (expression of incredulity): credo! (Er)
It's been .... years since: iam ... anni sunt postquam + indic.
It's been two years now since I left home: iam biennium est postquam domo abii.
To do s.o. wrong: in aliquem peccare (T)
To do wrong: perperam facere (AG)
To go wrong: peccare (S)
To put right a wrong: peccatum corrigere (T)
Yeah, right! (expression of incredulity): credo! (Er)
It's been .... years since: iam ... anni sunt postquam + indic.
It's been two years now since I left home: iam biennium est postquam domo abii.
Yes, by all means: ita omnino (Er)
Yes, indeed: immo ita est (Pl) admodum (Pl)
A yes-man: assentator, -oris (Pl)
A yes-man: assentator, -oris (Pl)
Yesterday: hesterno (i.e. die) (Aus)
Yesterday’s: pridianus (AG)
And yet: et tamen (AG) atque adeo (Pl)
Nor yet: neque adeo (Pl)
Not yet (in response to a question): non etiam (Pl)
Nor yet: neque adeo (Pl)
Not yet (in response to a question): non etiam (Pl)
To be young and strong: integra aetate esse (Er)
A young buck: arietillus, -i (P)
Yummy: esculentus
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