Monday, 24 October 2011



Turn tail and run:  tergum dare (F)  tergum vertere (F)

To wag the tail:  caudam movere (Er)


It will take me one day to get the money:  unus dies est dum argentum eripio (T)

It will take a year for you to light a candle:  annus est priusquam candelam accendas (Er)

Take off shoes/ rings, etc:  detrahere calceos/  anulos  (Fr)

To take on (a task):  pensum ad se recipere (T)

To take after (i.e. resemble) s.o.  aliquem referre (C)  He takes after his father:  patrem refert.  

To take part in doing s.t.:  adesse alicui faciendo (C)

Take in (i.e. absorb and understand):  accipere (Pl)
     I want to take in what he's saying:  volo ea accipere quae dicit.

To take s.o. home (for sex):  aliquem/ aliquam ductare (Pl)

Take that!  em tibi!   (Pl)

To take something well:  aliquid libenter accipere (C)

Being ill takes courage:  morbus fert fortitudinem (T)

To take s.t. into account:  alicui rei consulere (Er)
     I will take your laziness into account:  consulam tuae pigritiae.

To take s.o. up on something:  aliquem excipere (P)

Take in, Deceive

To take s.o. in:  aliquem inducere (H)


Talent:  facultas


Talk about s.t.:  aliquid fabulari (Fr)

Talking to:  to give s.o. a good talking to (i.e., to check s.o. with words, to repress, to silence):  aliquem dictis confutare (T) 

To be the talk of the town:  omni populo in ore esse (T)

An incessant talker:  ametroepes (AG:  word given in Greek letters)

What are you talking about?  quid narras?  (Pl)

To talk things over:  verba conferre (P)

To talk back:  responsare (Er)


To be a tall/ "good-sized" person:  statutus esse (Pl)


Tanned:  coloratus, -a, -um (F)


To be tangled up in something:  impediri aliqua re (Pl)


Tantrum:  intemperies (AG)

Tantrums:  irae (AG)


To complete a task:  pensum explicare (Fr)

A task / mission:  legatio, -onis (Er)
     He is the most appropriate one to undertake the mission:  aptissimus hic est, qui legationem suscipiat.

Taste, Judgement

To have excellent taste:  emunctus esse emunctae naris esse (H)

To lose one’s taste for s.t.:  fastidire aliquid (Fr)

To appeal to one’s taste in music:  servire auribus 

To appeal to one’s taste in food:  servire palato.

To one's taste:  ex sua sententia  (Pl)

Tastless (vulgar/ crude):  insulsus, -a, -um (P)

To taste good / bad:  sapere iucunde /  sapere male (Columella, Cato)


Tatooed:  compunctus notis Thraciis


To taunt s.o. for being…  aliquem insectari ut…. (Suet)
            Pompey taunted him for being effeminate:  Pompeius ut effeminatum insecutus est.

A taunt:  probrum, i (F)
      The soldiers, goaded by the taunts of the enemy, demanded battle:  milites probris hostium coacti pugnam deposcebant.


To teach s.o. not to....  aliquem docere ne + subj. (T)


To tease s.o.:  aliquem macerare (Pl)  aliquem lacesso, -3, -ivi, -itum (Fr)  aliquem ludere (T)


Exposed/ open/ obvious technique:  ars aperta (Fr)

Teeth/ tooth

Teeth are chattering:  dentes colliduntur  (S)

Tooth-pick:  pinna, -ae (P)


From what you tell me:  ut praedicas (Pl)

I can’t tell:  dignoscere nequeo (B)

Tell me!  Out with it!  Cedo!  (T)

To tell on s.o. to s.o.:  aliquem alicui indicare (Pl) 

To tell:  eloqui (Pl) 
      Tell me your name please:  eloquere tuum mihi nomen quaeso.

To tell it like it is:  rem denarrare sicut est (AG)

To tell everything/ confess everything/ to "sing":  cantare (Pl)

To tell the whole story from start to finish:  rem omnem narrare ordine (T)

Tell me!  effare! (Er)


Bad temper:  petulantia, -ae (Pl)

Bad tempered:  morosus, -a, -um (AG)


To be temporary:  ad tempus esse (C)

To be temporary:  in diem esse (S)


A tenant:  inquilinus, -i (S)


A tendency:  proclivitas (Pl)  inclinatio (Pl)


A tennis racket:  reticulum, -i (Er)


To be on tenterhooks:  in spe pendere animi (T)

On tenterhooks:  suspensus, -a, -um  (C)


Good terms:  gratia bona (Pl)

On one’s own terms:  in leges suas (T)
            He’ll make peace with his father on his own terms:  conficiet cum patre pacem in leges suas.

To impose terms:  legem/ leges imponere (Pl)

Friends on bad terms:  amici aversi (H)

Test/ try

To try doing s.t.:  periculum facere alicuius rei (AG)

To test:  periculum facere (T)
            To test on others what is going to be good for yourself:  periculum ex aliis facere tibi quod ex usu sit.

To test / scrutinize s.t:  aliquid excutere (F)
     He sent letters to test the loyalty of the Gauls:   ad excutiendam Gallorum fidem litteras misit.

Thank God 

Thank God that…  deum virtute est unde + subj (AG)

Thank God/ thank heaven:  dis gratia (T)


Thanks to you:  tuâ operâ (T)

That's it! 

That’s it! / That's all!  Pax!
            It will take me one day, that’s it!  Unus est dies, pax! (T)


Thin:  macilentus, -a, um (Er) 

Skin and bones:  strigosus, -a, -um (Columella) (Er) 


As things are (setting out circumstances):  ut res se ferunt (Pl)

Think/ thought

What do you think?  Quid tibi videtur?  (T)

What was I thinking?  Qua ratione feci?  (T)

To take thought for (consider) one’s self/ one’s own interests:  se respicere (T)

To be thoughtless:  incogitans esse (T)

Thoughtlessness:  incogitantia (Er)

To do something without thinking:  aliquid imprudens facere

I thought so.  credidi (T)

Thoughtful:  attentus, -a, -um (AG)

I don't think so (expressing refusal or incredulity):  non hercle equidem censeo (Pl)

To wander in ones thoughts:  alucinari (AG)

Wandering thoughts:  alucinatio (S)

To think (falsely):  opinari (F)
       The Persians resisted the Greeks, whom they thought were Egyptians:  Persae Graecis, quos Aegyptos opinabantur, restiterunt. 

An after-thought:  cogitatio posterior (Fr) 

To give thought to a matter:  rem circumspicere (T) 

To be lost in one's thoughts / to be "a million miles away":  privatum secessum habere (P)


Thread of the conversation:  fabularum contextus (P)


Three-decker:  triremis, -is (Fr)

Trio:  trias, -adisternio. –onis


To be thrilled:  gaudio efferri


To clear the throat:  screare (T)

A clearing of the throat:  screatus (T)

To have s.o. by the throat:  aliquem faucibus urgere


There is no way through this alley:  angiportum non est pervium (T) 


She threw herself into his arms:  se reiecit in eum (T)

To throw o.s. off a bridge:  se praecipitem ex ponte dare (H)

To throw s.o. out on his butt:  aliquem praeciptem dare (T)

A throw of the dice:  bolus, -i (Pl)

A lucky throw of the dice:  bolus lepidus (Pl)

To throw / serve a ball:  pilam mittere (Er)

To throw s.o. backward / onto his/her back:  resupinare (P)

Throw down (from a height):  deturbare (Pl)

To throw s.t. in s.o.’s way:  alicui aliquid obiicere (H)


Thunder-struck:  fulminatus (P)


To be under s.o.’s thumb:  obnoxius esse alicui (AG)

Tid bit

A tid-bit:  particula, -ae (Fr)


To be tied down (with obligations)  devinctus esse (T)

A tie (in a competition):  Mars aequus
            In ended in a tie:  aequo Marte discessit 

To be tied (in a game):  pares esse (Er)


Tight-fisted:  aridus (T)


Timid:  fugax, -acis (Er) 


There is no time to… non vacat + infin.  (S)

From that time on….  Ex eo (S)

Free time:  tempus subsecivum (Tr)

From the time that….  inde quod (T)
            From the time that you bought the farm next door:  inde quod agrum in proximo mercatus es….

On time:  per tempus (with verbs of coming and going)

It’s high time that…  tempus maxime est ut…. (Pl)

It’s time to go:  tempus est, ut eamus (Pl)

It's been a long time since...:  iam diu est factum cum + indicative (Pl)
      Its been a long time since you went off to the forum:  iam diu est factum cum abiisti ad forum

Timing:  there’s something wrong with your timing:  non sat commode divisa sunt temporibus tibi  (T)

Time heals all sorrows:  dies adimit aegritudinem hominibus (T)

Right time:  tempus ipsum (T)
            You’ve arrived at the right time:  in tempore ipso advenis

A bit of time/ respite:  diecula, -ae (T)
            To win s.o. a bit of time:  alicui dieculam addere

I haven’t time to explain:  vacuus non sum ad narrandum (T)

All this time:  dudum (T)
            You’ve been fighting with your father all this time:  cum patre altercasti dudum

Will the time ever come when…?  eritne cum + future tense  (Fr)

There was a time when:  olim 

Ten times more:  decem partibus magis (Fr)

To have some spare time:  operae esse + dat. (Pl)
     As soon as I have the spare time:  operae ubi mihi erit.

To have a good time:  bene esse (Pl)
     I've never had a good time at less expense:  nusquam bene fui minore dispendio

In the nick of time:  temperi (Pl)

For a fixed period of time:  certum tempus (AG)

To while away time:  otiari (H)

This is not my first time:  non hodie primum auspicatus sum (P)

A short time ago:  paulo ante (S)

To allow some time for s.t.:  vacare alicui rei (S)
    I allow no time for sleep:  non vaco somno.

There are times when:  aliquando + dir statement in indic (S)

To have time to do s.t.:  spatium habere aliquid faciendi (F)

Badly timed:  intempestivus, -a, -um (Lv) 

At the wrong time:  adverso tempore (Pl) 

To do something before its time:  aliquid anticipare (Er)
     They go to their death before their time:  manes suos anticipant.

It's never the wrong time:  numquam intempestivum est (Er)

If there's ever any free time:  si quando vacat (Er)

To save time:  tempori parcere (Er)

Keeping time (i.e. to music):  ad numerum (P) They divided the dates among the diners in time to the music:  caryatas ad numerum diviserunt cenantibus.


Tiny:  minutulus, -a, -um (Fr)


Tip / gratuity :  corollarium -ii (Ap)


To tipple:  potitare (Er)


To get tipsy / have wine go to one's head:  animus vino incalescit.


To tire s.o. out:  alicui languorem dare

Tiresome:  importunus -a, -um (AG)
      Meaningless talkativeness is a tiresome failing:  inanis loquacitas est vitium importunum

When we get tired of ....  cum nobis erit satietas + gen. (Er)

Tit for tat 

To have tit for tat:  paria habere (Fr)

To give tit for tat:  par pari referre (Er)


A toast:  propin  (transliteration of προπιεῖν) (P)
       Trimalchio was saying that this was a toast to himself:  Trimalchio hoc suum propin esse dicebat.  


On tip-toe:  suspenso gradu (T)


Token of affection:  arrabo amoris (Pl)


Hold one’s tongue:  linguam comprimere

Tongue-tied:  lingua reclusa

A sharp tongue:  acida lingua (S. elder)


To tone s.t. down:  lenire aliquid (S)
   Whatever is inborn can be toned down by discipline, but never overcome:  quidquid ingenitum est, lenitur arte, non vincitur.


You’re too, too charming:  nimis lepidus es (Pl)   quam...ut  + subj. (AG)
      The memory is too recent to have to be written down:  recentior est memoria quam ut scribi debuerit.


(in a list):  on top of this/ that:  porro (T)   praeterea (T)

To be on top of the world:  abiisse in caelum (P)

Torment/ torture

To torment/ torture to death:  excarnificare (T)
            You’r always thinking up things like this to torture me to death:  huius modi mihi res semper comminisceris ubi me carnifices

To torture oneself with s.t.:   aliqua re se macerare (Er)
      He is torturing himself with hunger:  se ieiunio macerat.

To die under torture:  tortus perire (P)


Totally:  funditus

I’m totally done for:  funditus perii


Never to touch wine:  numquam adtingere vinum (Fr)

The finishing touch:  summa manus (S)

To put the finishing touch on s.t.:  alicui rei summam manum imponere (S)


Toward s.o.:  adversus alicui (Pl)
      Who is this coming toward me?  quis est hic qui it adversus mihi?

To be on the right track:  rectam viam instare (Pl) 

To track s.o./ s.t.:  aliquem/ aliquid vestigiis persequi (Pl)

To track s.o. / something down:   aliquem/ aliquid pervestigare (Pl)  aliquem / aliquid investigare (T)


To learn a trade:  artem discere (Pl)

A vile trade:  quaestus indignus (Pl)

To practice a trade:  artem factitare (C)

De Mercatura (Com ILR. 45)
      On Trade

Mercatores bona aliunde allata non absque lucro (quis enim cum damno quaestum faciat?) alienant et divendunt, sed potius in taberna reservant. 

In emporiis celebria exercentur commercia :  oppidatim nundinae et mercatus instituuntur.  minutiarii  negotiatores mercimonias a magnariis / solidariis qui in solidum vendunt, coemptas minutatim pluris divendunt et particulatim distrahunt.  monopolia incolis conducibilia non sunt.

Et propolae et institores et tabernarii et chirothecarii et circumforanei / circuitores et pararii et scrutarii cum suis scrutis et quivis nugivenduli negotiantur, et notiatores dici omnes volunt.  

Et quidni?  ubique sane merx / mercimonium vendibilis vendunt licet / venit / venalis prostat.  venditor nimio indicat. et quod asse carum est solido forsitan aestimat, et emptor licetur / licitatur minoris, donec contrahunt.  

Sed qui grandi pecunia, praesertim repraesentata / numerata mercatur, ne se defraudet, nummorum, qui aurei sunt vel argentei vel aerei, teneat valorem :  nummuli, teruncii, semoboli, oboli, grossi, floreni, solidi imperialis, scutati.  Angli numerant per libras / aureos marcas geniales nobiles, coronatos, semicoronatos, solidos, testones / semisolidos. 

Pretium rerum ingravescit aut remittit, sed nihil cuiquam carius aut maioris constare aiunt, quam quod precibus emitur.   


Tradition has it that.....  memoriae datum est + indirect statement (AG)


To traffic in s.t.:  cauponari aliquid (Ennius)
       I don't traffic in war:  non cauponor bellum.


To train for s.t.:  se exercere ad aliquid


To tramp around/ go tramping around:  grassari (Pl)
     Shall we go tramping around in such wet clothes?  siccine cum uvida veste grassabimur?


To trample:  proterere (F)


To transform s.t. :  aliquid transfigurare (S)


To be transparent:  pellucere (Er)   


Lay/ set a trap for s.o.:  insidias stuere alicui /  alicui insidias facere (H)/  insidias alicui locare (Pl)

Set a trap:  fallaciam intendere (T)

To be caught in the same trap:  eodem malo teneri (Er)

Trashpurgamenta -orum  (P)
      He began to sweep out the trash with a broom:  purgamenta scopis coepit everrere.


To treat someone properly and considerately:  aliquem tractare recte et commode (T)

To treat s.o. terribly:  male agere cum aliquo (Pl)

To treat s.o. as. s.t.:  aliquem pro aliqua re habere (T)
            He was treating her like a wife:  eam pro uxore habebat (T)

To be treated outrageously:  accipi indignis modis (T) 

To treat s.o. badly:  alicui iniuriam facere (T)

To treat s.t. lightly:  aliquid insuper habere (AG)

To treat s.o. shabbily:  malignius agere cum aliquo (S)

To treat oneself to s.t.:  se invitare aliqua re (Pl)  (Sal)
      He treated himself lavishly to food and wine:   se cibo vinoque largius invitavit.

To be treated handsomely:  suaviter affici (Er)


Fellow tribesman:  tribulis, -is (T) 


Devise a trick:  fingere fallacias (T)/  fallaciam facere (T)

A trick:  astutia, -ae (Pl)

By trickery:  astu (AG)  per fallaciam (Pl)

A dirty trick:  facinus impudicum (Pl)

Play a trick on s.o.:  sublino, 3- levi os alicui (Pl)  aliquem circumducere (Pl)

A trick/ ruse:  sychophantia, -ae (Pl)

To trick s.o. out of s.t.:  aliquem aliqua re emungere (T)
     He tricked him out of his money:  eum argento emunxit

Tried and true  

To be tried and true/ proven:  spectatus esse
            My friendship is tried and true/ proven:  amicitia mea satis spectata est (T)


A most frivolous trifler:  nugator nugacissimus (Er)


A trio:  ternio, -onis (AG)


To trip s.o.:  aliquem supplantare (S)


Trivial:  nugatorius, -a, -um/   nugalis, -e (AG)

Triviality:  nuga, -ae

Trivialities:  nugalia, -um (AG)


Trouble:  molestia, -ae (Pl) 
     You have often brought trouble on me:  mihi saepe molestiae fuisti

To cause trouble:  interturbare (T)

To be in touble:  laborare (Pl)  satagere (Pl) malis versari (T)

To be in big trouble:  in malis plurimis esse (Pl)   magnis malis versari (T)

There will be trouble:  turbae fient (T)  paratae sunt lites (P)

To take trouble for s.o./ s.t:  laborem ob aliquem/ aliquid capere (T)

To be in trouble:  satagere (Pl)

To go looking for trouble:  malam rem quaerere (Pl)  malum quaerere (Pl)  grassari (Pl)

To stir up/ create trouble:  malum excitare (T)
            Don’t you see how much trouble you’re creating?  Non vides quantum mali excites?

Troublesome:  molestus, -a, -um (Pl)

What's troubling you?  quid tibi aegre est?  (Pl)

To extricate oneself from trouble:  se evolvere ex turbis (T)

To make/ cause trouble for s.o.:  negotium alicui exhibere (Pl)

To trouble s.o.:  alicui aegritudini esse (AG)
      I have done nothing of which the memory troubles me:  nihil commisi cuius memoria mihi aegritudini est.

Leave your troubles at the door:  curas / quidquid dolet exue ante limen (Jv) (Er)

I have wasted my time and trouble:  mihi oleum et opera periit (Er)


To call a truce:  indutias indicere (Er)


Trudge:  calcare

Trudge over many places:  multa loca calcare

True/ truth

To come true (of wishes):  evenire (Pl)
     A.  Make a wish that you get what you want.  B. What if I make a wish?  A. It will come true.  A.  opta id quod vis ut tibi contingat.  B.  quid si optavero?  A. eveniet. 

I'm telling you the simple truth:  tibi dico hoc quod res est (Pl)

The truth is....  immo vero (P) 
      The truth is that I don't want to have any goods unless they are the kind people will envy.  immo vero nolo habere bona nisi quibus populus inviderit. 


A trunk/ suit case:  vidulus, -i (Pl)


To trust s.o.  alicui fidere (3)  (Er) 

To trust/ entrust s.t. to s.o.:  alicui aliquid credere (T) 

To trust s.o./ s.t. alicuius / alicuius rei fidem habere (Er)


Try it!  experire!  (T)

Try to:  experiri + infin (T)

To try:  temptare
            I’ll try to see if I can read the whole book:  temptabo ut legam integrum librum (Pl)

To try s.t.:  periculum facere alicuius rei (Pl) 

To be tried and true/ proven:  spectatus esse
            My friendship is tried and true/ proven:  amicitia mea satis spectata est (T)

To try as hard as one can:  adniti pro virili parte (Er)


To change one's tune:  alia verba praehibere (Pl)


To turn off the road:  divertere (Fr)

To turn (off the road and) into:  devertere in/ deverti in (T)

To turn (aside) intrans:  deflectere (Er)
     On his way home he turned into the pub:  domum rediens in popinam deflexit.

To turn to the left/ right:  deflectere ad laevam/ ad dexteram (Er)

To turn out:  existere (Fr) evadere
        How will this turn out?  Hoc quo evadet?

To turn out better:  melius succedere (P)

To turn out successfully:   cedere prospere  /   feliciter evenire (Sal) 

To turn out well:  bene verti (Pl)  bene evenire (Sal)

Everythng turned out as I could wish:  omnia evenerunt ex sententia (T)

To turn s.o./ s.t. down:  aliquid / aliquem reiicere (T)

To turn into s.t.:  se in aliquid convertere (P)
      Anger turned into hatred:  in odium se ira convertit

To turn aside (off the main path)/ to make a detour:    deflectere (Er)

In turn:  in vicem


A twinkle in the eye:  hilaritudo in ocellis (Pl)


True to type:  similis sui


Turn to someone for help:  ad aliquem applicare (T)

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