Eager for s.t.: alicuius rei avidus, -a, -um (Er)
Eager for s.t.: alicuius rei avidus, -a, -um (Er)
To lend an ear: aurem praebere (H)
I’m all ears: perpurgatis auribus audio (AG)
To have one's ears filled with s.t.: aliqua re aures imbutas habere (AG)
His ears were filled with philosophical arguments: aures disputationibus philosophiae imbutas habebat.
To have one's ears filled with s.t.: aliqua re aures imbutas habere (AG)
His ears were filled with philosophical arguments: aures disputationibus philosophiae imbutas habebat.
Honestly earned: bene partus, -a, -um (L)
Honest earnings: bene parta
Ill gotten gains: male parta
Earth (Com. I.L.R. 8)
De Terra
Concerning the Earth
Terrae superficies alicubi uda seu uvida est, uliginossa, irrigua, herbida; alicubi arida, exsucca [exsucta?], petrosa, confragosa.
The surface of the earth is in some places moist, or wet, marshy, full of water, full of vegetation; in other places it is arid, dried out, rocky, rugged.
Nonnullibi planities (campus) campestris longe lateque extenditur; alibi montes, valles ac convalles et petrae conspiciuntur; hic tumuli leviter assurgunt, illic depressiora loca, hiatus, antra / cavernae et speluncae subsidunt.
In some places an open plain spreads far and wide; elsewhere mountains, dales and valleys, and rocks are seen; here low hills [knolls] rise gently, there low-lying areas, clefts, grottos / caverns and caves sink down.
Colles ac clivi cacumen (fastigium) versus euntibus acclives sunt, declives retro (descendentibus a supercilio per dorsum / latus ad radices montis).
Hills and slopes are up-hill for those who are going toward the peak (summit) and down-hill [for those going] back (for those descending from the brow along the "back" / side to the foot of the mountain).
Terrae motus a subterraneis flatibus : qui si prorumpant foras, labes fiunt.
Earthquakes [are caused by] subterranean blasts : which, if they burst outward, become landslides.
Glebam, si teris et frias, pulvis est; si diluis et maceras, lutum.
If you rub or crumble a clod of earth, it becomes dust; if you dissolve or soak it with water, [it becomes] mud.
Earth (Com. I.L.R. 8)
De Terra
Concerning the Earth
Terrae superficies alicubi uda seu uvida est, uliginossa, irrigua, herbida; alicubi arida, exsucca [exsucta?], petrosa, confragosa.
The surface of the earth is in some places moist, or wet, marshy, full of water, full of vegetation; in other places it is arid, dried out, rocky, rugged.
Nonnullibi planities (campus) campestris longe lateque extenditur; alibi montes, valles ac convalles et petrae conspiciuntur; hic tumuli leviter assurgunt, illic depressiora loca, hiatus, antra / cavernae et speluncae subsidunt.
In some places an open plain spreads far and wide; elsewhere mountains, dales and valleys, and rocks are seen; here low hills [knolls] rise gently, there low-lying areas, clefts, grottos / caverns and caves sink down.
Colles ac clivi cacumen (fastigium) versus euntibus acclives sunt, declives retro (descendentibus a supercilio per dorsum / latus ad radices montis).
Hills and slopes are up-hill for those who are going toward the peak (summit) and down-hill [for those going] back (for those descending from the brow along the "back" / side to the foot of the mountain).
Terrae motus a subterraneis flatibus : qui si prorumpant foras, labes fiunt.
Earthquakes [are caused by] subterranean blasts : which, if they burst outward, become landslides.
Glebam, si teris et frias, pulvis est; si diluis et maceras, lutum.
If you rub or crumble a clod of earth, it becomes dust; if you dissolve or soak it with water, [it becomes] mud.
To take it easy: animo otioso esse (T)
Just take it easy: animo otioso esto! (T)
It’s easy: in proclivi est (T)
Easy-going: facilis/ clemens (T)
Easier said than done: facilius lingua dicitur quam factis fit (Pl)
Easy: proclivis, -e
Easily: procliviter (AG)
Easier said than done: facilius lingua dicitur quam factis fit (Pl)
Easy: proclivis, -e
Easily: procliviter (AG)
Eat s.o. out of house and home: aliquem exedere (T)
To eat one’s fill: edere adfatim (Pl)
Good to eat: edulis, -e (Com)
Good to eat: edulis, -e (Com)
To be a big eater: multi cibi esse (T)
To be ecstatic: laetitia exultare (P)
To push over the edge: praecipitare (J)
Educated: litteratus, -a, -um (AG)
Semi-educated: semidoctus, -a, -um (AG)
To this effect: ad hoc exemplum (Pl)
I replied to this effect, that swallows are the progeny of Philomela and Procne: ego ad hoc exemplum respondi, natas ex Philomela et Procne esse hirundines.
To make s.t. of no effect: aliquid frustrare (F)
He made the army's strength of no effect: robur exercitus frustravit.
Educated: litteratus, -a, -um (AG)
Semi-educated: semidoctus, -a, -um (AG)
To this effect: ad hoc exemplum (Pl)
I replied to this effect, that swallows are the progeny of Philomela and Procne: ego ad hoc exemplum respondi, natas ex Philomela et Procne esse hirundines.
To make s.t. of no effect: aliquid frustrare (F)
He made the army's strength of no effect: robur exercitus frustravit.
To make an effort: conitor, -i, -nixus sum
If I had made an effort: siquidem conixus essem (Pl)
Waste one’s efforts: operam conterere (T)/ nugas agere (Pl)
To make every effort: omni pede stare (Quint)
An effort should be made to / not to.... adnitendum est, ut/ ne + subj (Er)
Waste one’s efforts: operam conterere (T)/ nugas agere (Pl)
To make every effort: omni pede stare (Quint)
An effort should be made to / not to.... adnitendum est, ut/ ne + subj (Er)
To egg s.o. on to….: instigare aliquem ad…. (T)
Either: adeo (Pl)
What do I owe you, or that person either? quid tibi debeo, aut adeo isti?
He doesn't visit his mother or me either: nec matrem visit neque adeo me.
Either one or both: alter ambove (AG)
Either one or both of his parents were slaves: eius parentes alter ambove servitutem servierunt.
Is there anything else?/ Anything else I can do for you? numquid vis? (T) (Er)
Is there anything else: numquid aliud? (T)
To be embarrassed: perturbari (C)/ permoveri (C) confundi (P)
Without embarrassment: salva fronte (Er)
Financial embarrassment: necessitas pecuniaria (F)
Embarassed: confusus, -a, -um (P)
Embarrass de richesse
Either: adeo (Pl)
What do I owe you, or that person either? quid tibi debeo, aut adeo isti?
He doesn't visit his mother or me either: nec matrem visit neque adeo me.
Either one or both: alter ambove (AG)
Either one or both of his parents were slaves: eius parentes alter ambove servitutem servierunt.
Is there anything else?/ Anything else I can do for you? numquid vis? (T) (Er)
Is there anything else: numquid aliud? (T)
To be embarrassed: perturbari (C)/ permoveri (C) confundi (P)
Without embarrassment: salva fronte (Er)
Financial embarrassment: necessitas pecuniaria (F)
Embarassed: confusus, -a, -um (P)
Embarrass de richesse
An embarrass de richesse: cena dubia (T)
An employer/ one who hires: conductor (Pl)
Empty-handed: inanis -is, -e (Pl)
I will carry it. You go before me empty-handed: ego baiulabo. tu ante me ito inanis.
Empty-headed: levis, -e (AG)
An employer/ one who hires: conductor (Pl)
Empty-handed: inanis -is, -e (Pl)
I will carry it. You go before me empty-handed: ego baiulabo. tu ante me ito inanis.
Empty-headed: levis, -e (AG)
To enclose something in something: implicare aliquid in aliqua re (Fr)
To encounter/ meet with s.t. unpleasant: aliquid oppetere (Pl)
To encounter/ meet with s.t. unpleasant: aliquid oppetere (Pl)
To end in…. exire in (+ acc) (H)
To end in a tail: exire in caudam
To put an end to s.t.: finem facere alicui rei
In the end: denique
How I feared what would happen in the end: ut metui quid futurum denique esset! (T)
To end up: abire
I wondered whether he would end up this way: mirabar hoc si sic abiret (T)
To end up/ turn out: discedere
It ended up: discessum est
To end up: exire (S)
How/ where will it end? Quo evadet? (Pl)
In the end: tandem (T)
To end it all (i.e. to commit suicide): vitam a corpore secludere (PL)
Endearment, terms of
Some terms of endearment found in Plautus, used of a woman speaking to a man:
ocellus aureus
donum decusque amoris
passerculus putillus
To end up: exire (S)
How/ where will it end? Quo evadet? (Pl)
In the end: tandem (T)
To end it all (i.e. to commit suicide): vitam a corpore secludere (PL)
Endearment, terms of
Some terms of endearment found in Plautus, used of a woman speaking to a man:
ocellus aureus
donum decusque amoris
passerculus putillus
To be endowed with … characteristics: moribus … inbutus esse (Fr)
To endure (trans): perferre (T)
To endure (trans): perferre (T)
To be one’s own worst enemy: sibi adversarius esse (AG)
To expend energy: operam sumere (T)
Energetic: acer, acris, acre: (Er)
Energetic: acer, acris, acre: (Er)
To be engaged in: versari + abl
An engineer: architectonus, -i (AG: word spelled in Greek letters by AG)
A chief engineer: magister architechtonorum (AG)
An engineer: architectonus, -i (AG: word spelled in Greek letters by AG)
A chief engineer: magister architechtonorum (AG)
To enjoy oneself.: sibi suaviter facere (P) / animo obsequi (T) genio indulgere (Er)
To reap enjoyment : decerpere fructus (H)
Enough, sufficiently: affatim
To have enough/more than enough of s.t.: obsaturari alicuius rei
Enough! Pax! (T)
Enough said! Pax! (T)
That's enough! iam sat est (Pl)
Enough (of whatever): affatim + noun in gen. (Pl)
There are enough people who have nothing to do: adfatim est hominum, quibus nihil est negotii.
How much is enough? quantum est satis? (Pl)
How many are enough? quot sunt satis? (Pl)
More than enough: plus satis (Er)
There's more than enough food: est plus satis cibi.
To enter on (some activity or state of being): capesso -3 -sivi, -situm (AG)
To enter into marriage: matrimonium capessere (AG)
To enter into politics: rem publicam capessere
Enough said! Pax! (T)
That's enough! iam sat est (Pl)
Enough (of whatever): affatim + noun in gen. (Pl)
There are enough people who have nothing to do: adfatim est hominum, quibus nihil est negotii.
How much is enough? quantum est satis? (Pl)
How many are enough? quot sunt satis? (Pl)
More than enough: plus satis (Er)
There's more than enough food: est plus satis cibi.
To enter on (some activity or state of being): capesso -3 -sivi, -situm (AG)
To enter into marriage: matrimonium capessere (AG)
To enter into politics: rem publicam capessere
To entertain with a sumptuous dinner: polluceo, -ere, -luxi, -luctum (Pl)
To entertain (i.e. amuse) s.o.: aliquem oblectare (Pl)
Entertaining: delectabilis, -e (AG)
He invented humorous and entertaining fables: festivos delectabilesque apologos commentatus est.
To entertain the thought that.... in animum inducere + indirect statement (T)
To entertain (i.e. amuse) s.o.: aliquem oblectare (Pl)
Entertaining: delectabilis, -e (AG)
He invented humorous and entertaining fables: festivos delectabilesque apologos commentatus est.
To entertain the thought that.... in animum inducere + indirect statement (T)
Enthusiasm: studium
Fanatical enthusiasm: furor (Fr)
Fired with great enthusiasm: magno impetu instinctus (F)
Fired with great enthusiasm: magno impetu instinctus (F)
To entice: pertrahere (P)
Entirely: in solidum (Er)
I prefer to fight alone, so that the glory can be mine entirely: malo monomachein, ut laus in solidum sit mea.
Entirely: in solidum (Er)
I prefer to fight alone, so that the glory can be mine entirely: malo monomachein, ut laus in solidum sit mea.
Entourage: pompa –ae (T)
To entrust s.t. to s.o.: alicui aliquid credere (T)
To entrust s.t. to s.o.: alicui aliquid credere (T)
To push the envelope: audacius progredi (Fr)
To be envious of s.o.: alicui aemulari (C)
Equal to: par ac (T)
He has wisdom equal to his beauty: parem sapientiam habet ac formam
Equally: ex aequo (S)
Equally: ex aequo (S)
To be well-equipped: pulchre instructus esse (T)
To equip: ornare (AG)
Equipped with scientific studies: scientiae studiis ornati
To equip oneself with s.t.: se instruere aliqua re (S)
Equipment: ornatus, -us (Pl)
A man's "equipment": ornatus, -us (Pl)
To equip s.t.: aliquid adornare (Er)
An equivocation: verbum perplexabile (Pl)
To eradicate: excidere (H)
A means of escape: refugium (F)
A means of escape: refugium (F)
Especially: potissimum (P) praecipue (S)
You should avoid this especially: hoc tibi praecipue vitandum
Especially: imprimis (S)
I have retired from affairs, especially my own affairs: secessi a rebus, et imprimis meis rebus
The essential point: summa rei (S)
You do indeed grasp the essential point: summam quidem rei pervides.
To become established (of words, customs, etc) inroborare (AG)
To become estranged from s.o.: alicui alienari. (F)
To evaluate s.t.: aliquid censere (AG)
To get even with s.o.: ulcisci aliquem (Pl)
To get even for s.t.: ulcisci aliquid (T)
I'll get even with you for the wrong you've done me: iniurias tuas ulciscar.
You should avoid this especially: hoc tibi praecipue vitandum
Especially: imprimis (S)
I have retired from affairs, especially my own affairs: secessi a rebus, et imprimis meis rebus
The essential point: summa rei (S)
You do indeed grasp the essential point: summam quidem rei pervides.
To become established (of words, customs, etc) inroborare (AG)
To become estranged from s.o.: alicui alienari. (F)
To evaluate s.t.: aliquid censere (AG)
To get even with s.o.: ulcisci aliquem (Pl)
To get even for s.t.: ulcisci aliquid (T)
I'll get even with you for the wrong you've done me: iniurias tuas ulciscar.
To evesdrop on s.o: subauscultare aliquem (Pl)
Evidently: nempe (Pl)
As exactly as… non secus ac/ atque
Exactly! Admodum! (T)
Exactly as: proinde ut (Pl)
Exactly as if: proinde quasi (AG) proinde ac si (Pl)
Exactly as: non secus ac/ atque
To examine s.o,/ s.t.: aliquem/ aliquid explorare (AG) aliquid excutere (Er)
To offer examples: exempla proferre
For example: ut puta (Tr)
To follow s.o.'s example: alicuius mores persequi (Pl)
To take as an example: exemplum sumere (T)
Exceedingly/ excessively
Exceedingly: supra modum (Er)
excessively: plus satis (Er)
To follow s.o.'s example: alicuius mores persequi (Pl)
To take as an example: exemplum sumere (T)
Exceedingly/ excessively
Exceedingly: supra modum (Er)
excessively: plus satis (Er)
Excell s.o.: antecedo + dat (P)
Excell s.o. at s.t.: praecedere aliquem aliqua re
Excellent! optime! (Pl)
Excellent: praecellens, -ntis (AG)
An excellent poet in terms of talent and expression: poeta ingenio et facundia praecellens
Without any exception: sine ulla exceptione (AG)
Except: demptus, -a, -um, used in ablative absolute constructions:
Everybody is being invited to dinner, except Mark: omnes ad cenam, Marco dempto, vocantur.
Excess / Excessive
Excessive: nimius, -a, -um (T) immodicus -a, -um (AG) supervacuus, -a, -um (P)
I am selling my excess stuff: res meas supervacuas vendo.
Excessively: impendio/ impense (AG) immodice (AG)
To be excited: commotus esse (T)
A very good excuse: iustissima causa (C)
Exemption: excusatio, -onis (AG)
To earn an exemption: excusationem mereri (AG)
Exercise: exercitamentum, -i (Er)
To do s.t. with no exercise of judgement: aliquid facere sine ullo iudicii negotio (AG)
Physical exercise: exercitus gymnasticus (Pl)
Exemption: excusatio, -onis (AG)
To earn an exemption: excusationem mereri (AG)
Exercise: exercitamentum, -i (Er)
To do s.t. with no exercise of judgement: aliquid facere sine ullo iudicii negotio (AG)
Physical exercise: exercitus gymnasticus (Pl)
Exert oneself in doing s.t.: moliri in aliquo faciendo (AG)
To exhaust: enecare/ enicare (T)
You are exhausting me: me enicas
To exhaust someone: aliquem detero, 3, -trivi, -tritum (T)
Expect / expectation
To expect (i.e. demand s.t. of s.o.) postulare (Pl)
Do you expect your husband to be your slave? postulas virum tibi servire?
Don’t expect…! noli postulare….! (T)
Contrary to expectation: praeter opinionem (C)
To surpass one's expectation: opinionem vincere (C)
The kind of writing you did surpassed my expectation: genus scriptorum tuorum vicit opinionem meam
To expel a student: discipulum amovere (Pl)
Do you expect your husband to be your slave? postulas virum tibi servire?
Don’t expect…! noli postulare….! (T)
Contrary to expectation: praeter opinionem (C)
To surpass one's expectation: opinionem vincere (C)
The kind of writing you did surpassed my expectation: genus scriptorum tuorum vicit opinionem meam
To expel a student: discipulum amovere (Pl)
To cut back expenses: sumptus circumcidere (AG)
To reduce expenses: sumptus levare (T)
To incur expenses: sumptum facere (Pl)
To incur expenses: sumptum facere (Pl)
Expensive: sumptuosus, -a, -um
He has an expensive girlfriend: habet amicam sumptuosam (T)
At my (/your/ his etc) expense: de mea (/tua/ eius) pecunia (Pl) sumptu meo (/meo/ eius) (T)
Very expensive: percarus, -a, -um (T)
Expense: iactura, -ae (F)
Fabius said that the place could be taken at the expense of a few men: Fabius dixit locum iactura paucorum capi posse.
For expenses: in sumptum/ sumptus (T)
Take this money for your expenses: accipe hoc argentum in sumptus
At my (/your/ his etc) expense: de mea (/tua/ eius) pecunia (Pl) sumptu meo (/meo/ eius) (T)
Very expensive: percarus, -a, -um (T)
Expense: iactura, -ae (F)
Fabius said that the place could be taken at the expense of a few men: Fabius dixit locum iactura paucorum capi posse.
For expenses: in sumptum/ sumptus (T)
Take this money for your expenses: accipe hoc argentum in sumptus
Wide experience in affairs: plurimus rerum usus (C)
To learn / find out by experiment: experiri (P)
I wanted to find out by experiment whether the whole family sang: volui experire an tota familia cantaret.
To be an expert (in some practical pursuit): magnus artifex esse +abl of respect (Er)
To "explode" with some emotion: dirrumpi (T)
To learn / find out by experiment: experiri (P)
I wanted to find out by experiment whether the whole family sang: volui experire an tota familia cantaret.
To be an expert (in some practical pursuit): magnus artifex esse +abl of respect (Er)
To "explode" with some emotion: dirrumpi (T)
Expose/ Exposure
To expose (a part of the body): aperire -ui -ertum (Pl) (Ov)
To expose s.o. to s.t.: obiicere aliquem alicui rei (Pl)
Exposed/ unprotected: proiecticius, -a, -um (Pl)
To expose s.o. to s.t.: obiicere aliquem alicui rei (Pl)
Exposed/ unprotected: proiecticius, -a, -um (Pl)
To be exposed: esse expositicius (Er)
To expose (some fact) palam facere (Pl)
I shall expose his crimes: eius scelera palam faciam
To escape exposure: delitescere (Fr)
To expose s.t. / leave s.t. exposed: aliquid nudare (F)
To expose (some fact) palam facere (Pl)
I shall expose his crimes: eius scelera palam faciam
To escape exposure: delitescere (Fr)
To expose s.t. / leave s.t. exposed: aliquid nudare (F)
To express: effingere (P)
To express: expromere (Fr) (AG)
They were expressing their own opinions: quae ipsi opinebantur expromebant.
To change one's (facial) expression: vultum movere (P)
Ex tempore
An ex tempore speech: oratio subita (M)
To this extent: in hunc modum (Pl)
To what extent: quemnam usque ad finem (AG)
The exterior/ the surface: frons, frontis (S)
Inside we must be different in all respects, but our exterior ought to conform to society: Intus omnia dissimilia sint, frons populo nostra conveniat.
Extraordinarily: insigniter (Pl)
To go to extremes: nimis vehemens esse in unam partem (T)
Extreme: summus, -a, -um (AG)
Extreme greed: summa avaritia
Extreme: summus, -a, -um (AG)
Extreme greed: summa avaritia
To extricate oneself from trouble: se emergere malis (T)
To extricate oneself from something: se emergere ex aliqua re (T)
Exuberant: effervescens (AG)
The exuberant energy of his voice: impetus vocis effervescens
Exuberant: effervescens (AG)
The exuberant energy of his voice: impetus vocis effervescens
Eye/ eyesight
To cast one’s eye upon: oculos coniicere in …. (CN)
Eye-opener: anatheoresis (C)
To have an eye for a good looking guy/girl: formosissimo/ ae favere (Er)
To keep an eye on: observare (Pl)
To keep an eye out for s,o, s.t.: aliquem/ aliquid aucupari (Pl)
To keep an eye out for s,o, s.t.: aliquem/ aliquid aucupari (Pl)
To look/see from the corner of one’s eye: limis oculis aspicere/ conspicere (Pl)
To do something with one’s eyes open: aliquid facere scientem/ prudentem (WS)
I saw with my own eyes: hisce oculis vidi (T)
To open someone’s eyes (to some truth): oculos alicui aperire (Fr)
To feast one’s eyes: oculos pascere (T)
To make eyes (i.e., a love gesture): oculos iactare (L)
My eyesight isn't very good: oculi parum prospiciunt (T)
To turn a blind eye to s.t.: aliquid praetermittere (T)
Not ot have eyes at the back of one's head: esse occipiti caeco (Pr)
To knock someone's eye out: aliquem exoculare (Pl)
Fluttering eyelids: oculi morsicantes (Ap).
Eyes askance: oculi limi (Ap).
My eyesight isn't very good: oculi parum prospiciunt (T)
To turn a blind eye to s.t.: aliquid praetermittere (T)
Not ot have eyes at the back of one's head: esse occipiti caeco (Pr)
To knock someone's eye out: aliquem exoculare (Pl)
Fluttering eyelids: oculi morsicantes (Ap).
Eyes askance: oculi limi (Ap).
With raised eyebrows: sublatis superciliis (Er)
Fluttering eyelids: oculi morsicantes (Ap),
Fluttering eyelids: oculi morsicantes (Ap),
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