Monday, 24 October 2011


To make a face at s.o.:  ductare aliquem labiis (Pl)

To face s.o./ s.t.:  alicui/ alicui rei obire (Pl) To face someone:  aliquem appellare (T)  adesse alicui (T) 

How can I face him?  eum quo ore adibo?  (T)

To face death:  mortem oppetere (C)

To s.o.'s face:  coram in os  (T)
      He is praising you to your face:  coram in os te laudat.

To face facts:  cogitare id quod res est (T)   venire ad verum (H)

To look s.t. in the face:  habere aliquid ante oculos (S)
     It's disturbing to be looking death in the face:  molesta est mortem ante oculos habere.

To punch s.o. in the face:  os alicui verberare (Tac) 

To save face:  fronti parcere (Er)

Fact/ facts

And in fact…. etenim

In fact….  profecto

To judge from the facts:  ex ipsa re coniicere/ coniecturam facere (T)

To keep to the facts:  rem ipsam dicere (T)

The very fact that…. shows:   illud ipsum quod….id ostendit…..  (Fr)

To face facts:  cogitare id quod res est (T)   venire ad verum (H)

To report the facts:  certa renuntiare (F)

It's a plain fact:  res palam est (Pl)

A fact / proven fact:   compertum, -i (Er)
     What I am telling you is not hear-say, but facts:  nec audita narro, sed comperta.  


To faint:  animo linqui (Suet)


It’s not fair:  iniquum est (T)

That’s not fair:  non aequum facis (T)

Fair enough:  istuc recte (T)

To be fair (i.e. just), aequus, -a, -um esse (T) 
      It's not fair or right:  praeter aequumque et bonum est.

Fair-complexioned:  candidusalbus

To play fair:  legitime ludere (Er)

To play fair and square:  ingenue legitimeque ludere (Er)


To have faith in s.t.:  habere fiduciam alicuius rei (S)
      You have a surer faith in our friendship:  amicitiae nostrae certiorem fiduciam habes.

To have faith that:  fidere ut (Er)
     Have faith that you will recover:  fide ut reviviscas. 


Fake:  fictus, -a, -um (H)

Fake:  fucosus, -a, -um

Fake/ imaginary:  commenticius, -a, -um

Fall short

To fall short of s.t.:  non suppetere alicui rei (Pl) 
     His promises fall short of his presents:  non suppetunt dictis data


To be one of the family:  familiaris esse (T)


A fan:  fautor

A big fan:  aestimator summus 


To take a fancy to doing s.t.:  libitum esse aliquid facere (AG)
      I took a fancy to reading Menander Plocium as well:   libitum est Menadri quoque Plocium legere


So far as:  quantum/ quoad/ quod  (Pl) (T)
      So far as I know:  quantum scio/ quoad scio/ quod scio

Far-fetched:  arcessitus, -a, -um (C),  remotus, -a, -um (Fr)  requisitus, -a, -um (Fr)

A far-fetched expression:  arcessitum dictum (C)


A farce:  atellana, -ae (Fr)

A little farce:  atellaniola, -ae (Fr)

Farcical:  mimicus, -a, -um (P)


Simple fare:  apparatus facilis (Er)


To fart:  crepare, crepui (S)


To be fascinated:  corripi (O)  teneri (C)


To be in fashion:  moris esse

Come into fashion:  in consuetudinem venire (C)

Fall out of fashion:  discdere e consuetudine (C)

A fashionable person:  homo facetus (H)


Fat, plump:  saginatus, -a, -um (Er)

To fatten:  saginare


To take after one's father:  patrissare (T) 


It’s my fault:  id per me stat (T)

It's my fault: merito meo (factum est) (T)

To find fault with s.o.:  improbare aliquem (Pl)  aliquem accusare (T)

To be at fault:  accusandus esse (T)
            You are both at fault:  ambo accusandi estis

To be at fault:  deliquisse (Pl)
      I am at fault.  deliqui.

To be at fault:  peccare (T)


To consider s.t. as one's favorite:  aliquid in deliciis habere (Pl)


To return a favour:  beneficium rursum reddere (T) 


To fear for:  timere + dative  (T)
            I fear for his life:  eius vitae timeo


To feed / stuff s.t. with s.t. aliquem aliqua re saginare (Er)

Feel/ feeling

I feel like doing something:  mihi aliquid facere libet/ collibet (H)

I feel like doing s.t.:  mihi aliquid facere libitum est (AG)

I don't feel like:  non mihi suave est - inf. (P)

I feel like a chat:  est (mihi) allubentia sermonis (Ap)

I feel better:  me commodius habeo (Fr)

To have a feeling that:  subsentire + ind. statement (T)

To feel up a girl:  papillam pertractare (Pl)

Feelings:  animus, -i (Pl)
      I have a woman's feelings:  muliebri animo sum (Pl)

Feet :  see Foot


Fellow citizen:  popularis (T) 

Fellow-feeling:  sensus communis (S)


To sit on both sides of the fence:  utrosque parietes linere (P)


To be feverish:  calere (Fr)


To fight it out:  litigare (Pl)
     I shall suggest that we have dinner, while these people fight it out:  suadebo ut decumbamus, hi dum litigant.


A lovely figure:  forma luculenta (T)

How do you figure that?  qua ratione istuc?  (T)


To file the nails:  ungues lima praeterere (Pl)


To take one's fill of s.t.:  absumere satietatem alicuius rei (T)

One's fill:  affatim (Er)
     He laughed his fill:  affatim risit


To fillet fish:  piscem exossare (T) 


Filth:  illuvies


To find a way to:  videre aliquid ut/ne + subj (T)
            Unless I can find a way to keep the old man from finding out:  nisi aliquid video ne senex resciscat….

Find out:  rescisco, -ere, -scivi (T)

Find s.t. out:  aliquid resciscere (AG)  (Pl)
      My wife has found out the whole business:  uxor rescivit rem omnem.

Find out:  explorare (S)

Find out about:  comperire de (T)

Finders keepers:  ut nactus es, habe (Pl)


To give s.o. the finger:  medium unguem ostendere alicui (Er)


I’m finished/ I’m done for/I’ve had it:  habeo (T)

To finish something:  aliquid explere (P)

To finish a game:  lusum finire (P)


To fire s.o. from his job:  exauctorare aliquem  (Suet) (F)

To fire s.o.:  aliquem summovere (HA)

To kindle a fire:  ignem conflare (Pl)

To set fire to s.t.:  aliquid succendere (F)


In the first place….  principio (T)

You must go first:  tuum est principium (Pl)

To put s.t. first:  praevertere aliquid (Pl)  aliquid primum habere (T)

To put s.t. before….  aliquid praevertere prae….

To attend to first/ attend primarily to s.t.: praeverti alicui rei

First-rate:  primarius, -a, -um (AG) (T)

To award first prize:  palmam dare (T)

First come first served:  potior sit qui prior (T)

First and foremost:  primus potissimusque (L)

This is not my first time:  non hodie primum auspicatus sum (P)


A big fish in a little pond:  gallus in sterculino suo (S)

Hook and line fishing:  piscatus hamatilis (Pl)


To be fit for something:  esse idoneus alicui rei (Fr)

Fit/ wild behaviour:  intemperiae, -arum


To consign something to the flames:  aliquid in furnum demittere (Fr)


To be flat out (with depression):  supinus esse (Fr)


To flatter (of a garment “flattering” a wearer):  ornare (Fr)

Flatteries:  delenimenta- orum (Fr)

Don't flatter yourself:  nolo tibi tam valde placeas (P)


To flaunt s.t.:  aliquid iactare (H)


Flawless:  ad unguem factus (H)


To fleece s.o.:  aliquem despoliare (Pl)

Flesh and blood

One’s own flesh and blood (i.e. family)  viscera sua


Flowery (of literary style):  ornatus (Fr)


He couldn’t hurt a fly:  muscam excitare non potest (S)

To put a fly in the ointment:  inicere scrupulum (T)


Fold of a dress:  ruga, -ae (B)


To foist/ force s.t. on s.o.:  aliquid alicui obtrudere (T)


To follow s.o.’s lead/ to back up what someone says:  aliquem obsecundare (T)

Follower:  sectator (AG)
       A follower of the stoic school:  sectator philosophiae Stoicae

To follow something up:  aliquid persequi (T)


To be fond of s.o.:  aliquem deamare  aliquem diligere (C)

To be extremely fond of s.o.:  aliquem vehementer diligere (C)

To be passionately fond of s.t.:  alicuius rei avidus esse (F)

To be not fond of s.t.:  aliquid nil morari (Pl)
     I'm not fond of wine:  nil vinum moror

I'm fond of the girl:  puella mihi cordi est. (T)

To be very fond of s.t.:  cupidissimus esse alicuius rei (AG)
    A young person very fond of archaic words:  adulescens veterum verborum cupidissimus

Pertaining to food:  escarius, -a, -um (Pl)


To fool s.o.:  ludere aliquem (Pl);   ludificare/ ludificari aliquem (Pl)  circumducere aliquem (Pl)  alicui verba dare (Pl)

To play the fool:  fatuari (Er)

To make a fool of s.o.:  aliquem ludificare (Pl)

Foot / feet

To set foot in:   inferre pedem in (Pl) / ferre pedem in (Pl)  pedem imponere in + acc (Pl)

To set foot somewhere:  intra aliquem locum pedem penetrare (Pl)

To be afoot:  agitari (F)
      He realized that hostilities were afoot:  intellexit hostilia agitari.

Feet first:  in pedes (Pl)

To drag one’s feet:  trahere pedes (P)

From head to foot:  a pedibus usque ad caput (C)

To set s.o. on his feet again:  alicui costas corrigere (P)

Feet together:  pedes iuncti (Er) 

To shift from one foot to the other:  alternis tibiis vacillare (Er)

To vote with one's feet:  pedibus in sententiam suam vadere.


To play footsies:  pedem pede premere (Pl) 


To follow in s.o.'s footsteps:  alienis pedibus ire (Er) 


Foppishness:  munditia infamis (AG)


He is quite cheeky, for a slave:  satis confidens est, ut servus (Pl) 

Do I answer well enough for a sane person?  satin pro sano respondeo?  (Pl)


To go foraging:  pabulari (F)


To force s.t. on s.o.:  impingere aliquid alicui (P)

To force s.o. to do s.t.:  alicui inicere necessitatem aliquid faciendi (F)

To force one's way into:  impetum facere in (Pl)

To force one's way into....  irruere in....  (T)
     He broke down the doors and forced his way into someone else's house:  fores effregit atque in aedes irruit alienas.

To join forces:  castra iungere (F)


Foreign:  peregrinus, -a, -um (P)
    a foreign place:  locus peregrinus


To be foremost at s.t.:  tenere principatum alicuius rei (C)


To foresee:  hariolari (T)  aliquid praesentire (F)  aliquid ominari (Er)


To forestall s.o.:  aliquem occupare (Pl) 


To give a foretaste of s.t.:  dare auspicium alicuius rei (F)
     He gave a foretaste of his cruelty:  auspicium crudelitatis dedit.  


Forever:   aetatem (acc. of the extent of time) (T)  in perpetuum (T)

To have done or been s.t. "forever"  priusquam Theognis natus est (AG)
      I've known this forever:  haec sciebam priusquam Theognis natus est


Forget it!  Mitte!  (T)

Forget about that!  Aufer istud!  (T)

Forgetful:  obliviosus, -a, -um (Pl)


Having a forgiving disposition:  placabilis, -e (Er) 


To forgo s.t.:  aliqua re abstinere (F)


Form:  figura, -ae

Form/ profile:  filum, i (AG)


To speak frankly:  ut aperte fabuler

To be frank:  ut ingenue fatear (Er)


To be frantic:  vibrare (Bassus, quoted in L.Morgan)


A freckled face:  os sparsum (T)


To be free from:  vacare + abl (C)

To be free of blame:  vacare a culpa (S)

To be free for:  vacare + dat

For free:  gratuitus, -a, -um
            As pleasant as it is for free:  gratum pariter et gratuitum

Feel free to...!  audacter + imperative  (Pl)
     Feel free to come back:  remeato audacter!

To set s.o. free:   aliquem manu mittere (Pl)   aliquem liberum amittere (Pl)

To go free:  libere abire (Pl)

To be free to do something:  integrum esse (plus dative) aliquid facere. (C)
      You are free to leave:  integrum est tibi discedere.

To send someone off scott-free:  aliquem impunitum dimittere (Lv)


To be in a frenzy:  efferatus esse (F)


Fresh (ie., recently practiced):  recens esse ab aliqua re (Fr)

With a fresh colour in the cheeks:  rubicundus, a, um (Pl)


To fret:  se macerare (T)


Friction (metaphorical):  offensio (Fr)


To be a true friend:  amicus amico esse (AG)

A very good friend:  amicus summus (T)

A very dear friend:  amicus egregie carus (Er)

An old friend/ old chum:  vetus convictor

To make friends:  amicos (sibi) iungere (H) 

A beautiful friendship:  familiaritas clarissima (P)

Circle of friends:  cohors (Fr)

Quarreling friends:  amici aversi (H)


I had a nasty fright:  mihi timui male (T)


To be frivolous/ indulge in frivolity:  ineptire (Fr)

Frivolous:  nugax, -acis (Er)


Frizzy-haired:  cincinnatus, -a, -um


Frothy:  spumosus -a, -um (Pr)


A frown:  frons rugata (Er)


To be chock-full of .s.t.  aliqua re scateo, -ere  (Er) 
     The book is chock-full of errors:  liber mendis scatet.

To be full of s.t.:  alicuius rei plenus esse (T)
      He is full of maxims:  praeceptorum plenus est.  


To fumigate s.t.:  aliquid suffitum facere (Er)


Fun and games:  ludicra, -orum (H)

To have some fun with (play a trick on) s.o.:  aliquem deludere (Pl)

Make fun/ sport of s.o.:  aliquem ludificare (Pl)   aliquem ludere (Pl)  aliquem ludos facere (Pl)  aliquem traducere (P)

You are making fun of me:  sum tibi ludibrio (Er)  mihi illudis (Er)

To have fun doing s.t.:  aliquid lubens facere (Pl)

Great fun:   mira voluptas (Er)


Don't try to be funny:  mitte ridicularia (Pl) 


To attack furiously:  concitate signa inferre (F).


Fussy:  delicatus, -a, -um (P)

A fussy person:  deliciae hominis (Er)

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