To "make" s.o. do s.t.: aliquem inducere ut + subj. (Pl)
You will never make me entrust this money to you: numquam induces, ut tibi credam hoc argentum.
To make over s.t.: facere aliquid novum (Pl)
I gave you the bracelet so it could be made over: tibi dedi spinter, ut fieret novum.
To make for/ head for: capessere (Pl) petere (V)
To make up for s.t.: aliquid sarcire (C)
To "make" s.o. do s.t.: aliquem inducere ut + subj. (Pl)
You will never make me entrust this money to you: numquam induces, ut tibi credam hoc argentum.
To make over s.t.: facere aliquid novum (Pl)
I gave you the bracelet so it could be made over: tibi dedi spinter, ut fieret novum.
To make for/ head for: capessere (Pl) petere (V)
To make up for s.t.: aliquid sarcire (C)
Make up/ reconcile
To make up/ reconcile: in gratiam redire (P)
The lovers made up: amantes in gratiam redierunt
To make up for s.t.: aliquid sarcire (C)
To act maliciously: malitiose facere (Pl)
A man among men: homo inter homines (P)
The "little" man / the ordinary working man: populus minutus (P)
To be a "man": coleos habere (lit: to have balls) (P)
The "little" man / the ordinary working man: populus minutus (P)
To be a "man": coleos habere (lit: to have balls) (P)
To manage (a) business: rem curare (T)
To manage s.t.: providere aliquid (T)
If they are not managed cleverly: quae si non astu providentur
To manage s.t.: aliquid dispensare (H)
To manage to do s.t.: adipisci ut + subj (T)
They managed to have a holiday: adepti sunt ut dies festos agitarent.
Management: procuratio, -onis (S)
To assume the management of a business: suscipere procurationem negotii (S)
To manage to do s.t.: adipisci ut + subj (T)
They managed to have a holiday: adepti sunt ut dies festos agitarent.
Management: procuratio, -onis (S)
To assume the management of a business: suscipere procurationem negotii (S)
Bad manners: mali mores (AG)
To be marked/ distinguished by s.t.: aliqua re insignitus esse (AG)
He is marked by by a physical defect: corporis labe insignitus est.
To be not far off the mark: non procul aberrare a scopo (Er)
To mark s.t./ s.o. with a mark/ note/ token: aliquid/ aliquem signare nota (Er)
To be marked/ distinguished by s.t.: aliqua re insignitus esse (AG)
He is marked by by a physical defect: corporis labe insignitus est.
To be not far off the mark: non procul aberrare a scopo (Er)
To mark s.t./ s.o. with a mark/ note/ token: aliquid/ aliquem signare nota (Er)
To be sold/ put up for sale on the open market: vênire palam (T)
Marriage: res uxoria (AG)
Unstable marriage: incertae nuptiae (T)
Insecure marriage: infirmae nuptiae (T)
De Coniugio et Affinitate (Com. ILR. 54)
Of Marriage and In-laws
Coniugium est, cum maritus et marita ut coniuges habitant
A marriage is when a husband and wife live as a couple.
Caelebs matrimonium initurus, dispicit sibi quam ambiat / prociat virginem nubilem, elegantem, formosam atque dotatam, aut viduus viduam. siquis nobilior cum plebeia matrimonium contrahit, coniugio dispari natales suos dehonestare / dedecorare putatur.
A bachelor headed for matrimony finds for himself a marriageable, elegant, beautiful and dowried girl whom he can court; or a widower [finds for himself] a widow. If someone rather aristocratic contracts a marriage with a common girl, he disgraces his lineage [/birthright]. .
Dos et forma nonnumquam rivales exciunt, at indotatae, etiam grandiores / grandaevae maximam partem manent innuptae.
Dowry and beauty sometimes stir up fellow-suitors [/rivals]. But girls without dowries and also older women for the most part remain unmarried.
Insecure marriage: infirmae nuptiae (T)
De Coniugio et Affinitate (Com. ILR. 54)
Of Marriage and In-laws
Coniugium est, cum maritus et marita ut coniuges habitant
A marriage is when a husband and wife live as a couple.
Caelebs matrimonium initurus, dispicit sibi quam ambiat / prociat virginem nubilem, elegantem, formosam atque dotatam, aut viduus viduam. siquis nobilior cum plebeia matrimonium contrahit, coniugio dispari natales suos dehonestare / dedecorare putatur.
A bachelor headed for matrimony finds for himself a marriageable, elegant, beautiful and dowried girl whom he can court; or a widower [finds for himself] a widow. If someone rather aristocratic contracts a marriage with a common girl, he disgraces his lineage [/birthright]. .
Dos et forma nonnumquam rivales exciunt, at indotatae, etiam grandiores / grandaevae maximam partem manent innuptae.
Dowry and beauty sometimes stir up fellow-suitors [/rivals]. But girls without dowries and also older women for the most part remain unmarried.
Procus cum obtinet ut ei dispondeatur, fit sponsus, et quae nubit ei, sponsa / nympha. ille suum pronubium/ /pronymphum / proxinetam habet, haec suas pronubas et annulum pronubum.
When a suitor succeeds in getting her to engage herself to him, he becomes her fiance [/bridegroom /husband to be], and she that takes the veil for him, his fiancee [/bride / bride to be]. He has his best man, and she has her bridesmaids and her wedding ring.
Postquam auspicibus parentibus, fide conceptis verbis mutuo data confarreantur / matrimonio copulantur. a nuptiis consummatis fir et uxor dicuntur. postridie / postero die nuptiarum fiunt repotia / epulum nuptiale.
When they are joined in marriage, their parents being witnesses and their faithfulness mutually pledged by a set formula, from the moment that the marriage ceremony is complete they are called man and wife. The next day is the wedding dinner.
Qui natam elocarunt dicunter socer et socrus; qui eam in uxorem duxit, gener; quae nupsit, nurus. reliqui agnati ex eo se affinium titulo cohonestant. Levir compellat glorem.
Those who have given their daughter in marriage are called father-in-law and mother-in-law. The man who marries her [is called] son-in-law. The woman who marries [is called] the daughter in law. The remaining relatives from that time on honour each other with the name of in-laws. The husband's brother / the brother-in-law addresses her as sister-in-law.
Si connubium minus alteri arrisit, integrum fuit pridem nuptam repudiare, quae, divortio facto, foras exacta, res suas sibi habere iussa est et divertere. hodie nil nisi alterutrius obitus seiungit. uxorius non est sui iuris, sed uxori obnoxius.
In the old days, if the marriage did not appeal to one of the parties, he was free to repudiate his wife. She, when the divorce was complete, was driven out of doors and ordered to take what was hers and be on her way. Today nothing except the death of one or the other party separates them. A hen-pecked husband is not his own man, but the slave of his wife.
Masseur: iatralipta, -ae (P)
Masseur: iatralipta, -ae (P)
To be master of something: princeps alicuius rei esse (Fr)
To be no match for s.o./st: impar esse alicui/ alicui rei (F)
To be no match for s.o./st: impar esse alicui/ alicui rei (F)
To be a match for s.t.: aliquid aequare (P)
To be matched (in a game/ competition): committi (Er)
To mate with s.o: aliquem inire (Suet)
What’s the matter? quid istuc? (T) quid negotii est? (Pl) quid tibi est? (T)
No matter how: ut ut (T)
No matter if: quamquam + indicative (Pl)
No matter if: quamquam + indicative (Pl)
It’s a matter of/ it has to do with: agi (T)
It’s not a matter of money, but of how we shall give it to the lad with least risk: non pecunia agitur, sed illud quo modo minimo periculo id adulescentulo demus
It's a matter of life and death: capitis res agitur (T)
It's a matter of money: pecuniae res agitur (T)
What does it matter if/ that.... quid refert + indirect statement (AG)
It doesn't much matter: parvi refert / non multum refert / non admodum refert (T) (Er)
It doesn't matter whether... or : non refert utrum ... an (Er)
Matter of fact:
It's a matter of life and death: capitis res agitur (T)
It's a matter of money: pecuniae res agitur (T)
What does it matter if/ that.... quid refert + indirect statement (AG)
It doesn't much matter: parvi refert / non multum refert / non admodum refert (T) (Er)
It doesn't matter whether... or : non refert utrum ... an (Er)
Matter of fact:
A matter-of-fact style: oratio sicca / siccum genus orationis (Fr)
To have a meal: cibum capere (Var) (F)
Mean/ Meaning
To have a meal: cibum capere (Var) (F)
Mean/ Meaning
What do you mean? Quid tibi vis? (P)
What do you mean by coming into my room? Quid tibi vis cur venis in cubiculum meum?
To mean: portare (T)
This self-justification means tht she’s been up to some mischief: nescioquid peccati portat haec purgatio.
It means something bad when....: pro monstro est, quando (Pl)
It means something bad when a person who sweats shivers: pro monstro est quando qui sudat tremit.
Do you mean...? praedicas...? (Pl)
A. Do you remember the Arcadian asses? B. You mean those old, lame ones? A. meministin asinos Arcadicos? B. praedicas eos asinos vetulos, claudos?
Know what I mean? (with a sly suggestiveness): scin ut dicam? (Pl)
Without meaning to: imprudens (Pl)
I contradicted you without meaning to: imprudens te adversabar.
What do you mean? quid autem? (T)
What's that supposed to mean? quorsum istud? (T)
What is the meaning of...? quid vult ...? (AG)
What is the meaning of that passionate shout of the Roman soldiers? quid vult ille clamor ardentissimus militum Romanorum?
Meaning: vis (S)
You do not know the meaning of true friendship: non nosti vim verae amicitiae.
Do you really mean it? bona fide? (Er)
By all means: sane (Fr) maxime! (Pl)
Not by any means: non utique (S)
A long life is not by any means better: non utique melior est longior vita.
I have the means to.... est mihi unde + subj (T)
Means: copia, -ae (Pl)
I will provide fire, if there is some means of kindling it: ignem dabo, si conflandi copia est.
For someone to have the means to: alicuius copia esse, qui/ quomodo (Pl).
She had no means of discovering her parents: nulla copia fuit eius, qui suos parentes nosceret.
Not by any means: non utique (S)
A long life is not by any means better: non utique melior est longior vita.
I have the means to.... est mihi unde + subj (T)
Means: copia, -ae (Pl)
I will provide fire, if there is some means of kindling it: ignem dabo, si conflandi copia est.
For someone to have the means to: alicuius copia esse, qui/ quomodo (Pl).
She had no means of discovering her parents: nulla copia fuit eius, qui suos parentes nosceret.
Beyond measure: supra modum
To take measures for s.t.: alicui rei consulere (C)
To take measures for s.t.: alicui rei consulere (C)
To meddle: se inserere (Pl)
Meditate on s.t.: aliquid commentari
To go / come to meet s.o.: ire/ venire adversum alicui (Pl)
To meet with s.o.: convenire aliquem (Pl)
To go / come to meet s.o.: ire/ venire adversum alicui (Pl)
To meet with s.o.: convenire aliquem (Pl)
Strike a melodramatic pose: tragicus fieri (Er)
Melody: modulus (AG)
To have a good memory: probe memor esse (Pl)
You have a good memory: memor es probe.
To have an excellent memory: multa memoria (abl) esse (AG)
To jog someone's memory: aliquid in alicuius memoriam redigere (T)
To recite from memory: memoriter reddere (Er)
To mend clothes: vestimenta resarcire (T)
Melody: modulus (AG)
To have a good memory: probe memor esse (Pl)
You have a good memory: memor es probe.
To have an excellent memory: multa memoria (abl) esse (AG)
To jog someone's memory: aliquid in alicuius memoriam redigere (T)
To recite from memory: memoriter reddere (Er)
To mend clothes: vestimenta resarcire (T)
Not to mention the fact that/ to say nothing of the fact that… ne addam quod…. (T)
A mess: turbae, -arum (Pl)
A mess: turba, -ae (T)
How do I get myself out of this mess? quomodo me ex hac expediam turba?
A mess: turba, -ae (T)
How do I get myself out of this mess? quomodo me ex hac expediam turba?
To get o.s. into a mess: malam rem sibi reperire (Pl)
To get o.s. out of a mess: se turba expedire (T)
To get o.s. out of a mess: se turba expedire (T)
To make a mess of everything: omnia concacare (S)
To take a message: nuntiare
To send the wrong message: male docere (T)
My easy-going nature sends you the wrong message: te male docet mea facilitas
A method: ratio, -onis (AG)
Meticulous: sollicitus, -a, -um (S)
A meticulous style does not become a philosopher: oratio sollicita non decet philosophum.
A method: ratio, -onis (AG)
Meticulous: sollicitus, -a, -um (S)
A meticulous style does not become a philosopher: oratio sollicita non decet philosophum.
Middle way: via media/ medium
There’s no middle way” nil medium est (H)
With might and main: manibus pedibusque (T) ex summis opibus (Fr)
With all one's might: summa vi (T)
Might as well
might as well: una opera (abl) (Pl)
A. Deceive me, deceive my wife! B. You might as well order me to go fishing in the air: Qua me, qua uxorem circumduce. B. Iubeas una opera me piscari in aere.
Would you expect your husband to be your slave? You might as well give him housework: postules virum tibi servire? una opera postules dare pensum.
Mildly: leviter (S)
They think extremely desirable what is only mildly desirable: valde expetenda putantur quae levitur expetenda sunt.
With all one's might: summa vi (T)
Might as well
might as well: una opera (abl) (Pl)
A. Deceive me, deceive my wife! B. You might as well order me to go fishing in the air: Qua me, qua uxorem circumduce. B. Iubeas una opera me piscari in aere.
Would you expect your husband to be your slave? You might as well give him housework: postules virum tibi servire? una opera postules dare pensum.
Mildly: leviter (S)
They think extremely desirable what is only mildly desirable: valde expetenda putantur quae levitur expetenda sunt.
Never mind: mitte (T)
Never mind that: mitte istud
To mind s.t.: aegre pati (Pl) aegre fero (T)
To mind s.t.: aegre pati (Pl) aegre fero (T)
To be in one’s right mind: apud se esse/ se penes esse
To be of one mind with s.o. about s.t.: congruere alicui de aliqua re (C)
An open mind: aequo animo (T)
Mind s.o. else’s business: curare alienam rem (Pl)
To make up one’s mind to do s.t.: animum inducere ut + subj.
To weigh on the mind: menti incubare (S)
To put one’s mind to s.t.: mentem ad aliquid intendere (C)
To keep in mind: meminsse (Pl)
To be in one's right mind: sanus esse (T)
Are you quite in your right mind? satin sanus es?
Presence of mind: animus praesens (T)
To change one's mind: mutare sententiam (S)
To wander in one's mind/ thoughts: alucinari (AG)
Mindful: memor, -oris (F)
Philip was mindful that he had and army hardened by long experience: Phillipus memor fuit sibi esse
militem longo usu duratum.
To be able to read someone's mind: alicuius sensum callere (T)
The mind wanders: mens vagatur (Er)
De Mente (Com. ILR 28)
On the Mind
Mens in disquisitione rerum rationem consulit, quia intellectum invenire animus ei est.
Cui egregium est acumen, cito rem percipit. hebetes tardiusculi sunt.
Qui multa inquirit, est industrius; qui noscit, gnarus; qui excogitat, solers; qui notitiam / cogitationem usu et experientia firmavit, expertus; qui peritia pro re nata uti novit, prudens; qui utitur, sapiens; qui abutitur, astutus et fraudulentus.
Contra qui nihil curat / cui nil curae est, torpidus est; qui nihil percipit, stupidus.
Vera rei apprehensio, scientia est; falsa, error; debilis, opinio/ dogma; ex coniecturis orta, suspicio; nutans, dubitatio; impedita, hallucinatio; nulla, ignorantia et inscitia.
Cum alterius relatione credimus, fides est; cum verisimilibus rationibus credimus, persuasio; cum sufficienti demonstrationi, assensus.
Quorum rationem ac cusam non intelligimus, ea miramur. quae pernoscere volup est, rimamur.
To keep in mind: meminsse (Pl)
To be in one's right mind: sanus esse (T)
Are you quite in your right mind? satin sanus es?
Presence of mind: animus praesens (T)
To change one's mind: mutare sententiam (S)
To wander in one's mind/ thoughts: alucinari (AG)
Mindful: memor, -oris (F)
Philip was mindful that he had and army hardened by long experience: Phillipus memor fuit sibi esse
militem longo usu duratum.
To be able to read someone's mind: alicuius sensum callere (T)
The mind wanders: mens vagatur (Er)
De Mente (Com. ILR 28)
On the Mind
Mens in disquisitione rerum rationem consulit, quia intellectum invenire animus ei est.
Cui egregium est acumen, cito rem percipit. hebetes tardiusculi sunt.
Qui multa inquirit, est industrius; qui noscit, gnarus; qui excogitat, solers; qui notitiam / cogitationem usu et experientia firmavit, expertus; qui peritia pro re nata uti novit, prudens; qui utitur, sapiens; qui abutitur, astutus et fraudulentus.
Contra qui nihil curat / cui nil curae est, torpidus est; qui nihil percipit, stupidus.
Vera rei apprehensio, scientia est; falsa, error; debilis, opinio/ dogma; ex coniecturis orta, suspicio; nutans, dubitatio; impedita, hallucinatio; nulla, ignorantia et inscitia.
Cum alterius relatione credimus, fides est; cum verisimilibus rationibus credimus, persuasio; cum sufficienti demonstrationi, assensus.
Quorum rationem ac cusam non intelligimus, ea miramur. quae pernoscere volup est, rimamur.
Every two minutes (i.e. too frequently): singulis scrupulis horarum (Fr)
Any minute now: quam mox (T)
I expect that his friend will return any minute now: expecto quam mox se recipiat amicus.
Any minute now: quam mox (T)
I expect that his friend will return any minute now: expecto quam mox se recipiat amicus.
Minutiae: minuta, -orum (Fr)
Miraculously: de lucro (P)
Misbehaviour: peccatum (T)
To make mischief: male facere (Pl)
To be up to some kind of mischief: aliquid mali facere (P)
To be up to some kind of mischief: aliquid mali facere (P)
To do/ get up to some mischief: nequiter facere (Pl) nequam facere (Er)
To do mischief to s.o.: alicui nequam dare (Er)
To do mischief to s.o.: alicui nequam dare (Er)
A mishap: casus, -us (H)
To miss s.o.: alicuius desiderio tangi (Er)
A mission / errand: legatio, -onis (Er)
To make a big mistake: errare longe (T)
He's making a big mistake, in my opinion: errat longe, mea quidem sententia.
If I am not mistaken.... nisi fallor (T)
To make the opposite mistake: in diversum peccare / in diversum errare (Er)
To miss s.o.: alicuius desiderio tangi (Er)
A mission / errand: legatio, -onis (Er)
To make a big mistake: errare longe (T)
He's making a big mistake, in my opinion: errat longe, mea quidem sententia.
If I am not mistaken.... nisi fallor (T)
To make the opposite mistake: in diversum peccare / in diversum errare (Er)
To misunderstand s.o.: errare de alicuius verbis (T)
Mix s.t. up: commiscere aliquid
To get mixed up in something: se aliqua in re admiscere / admisceri in aliqua re (T)
To get mixed up in something with somebody: se commiscere cum aliquo in aliqua re (Pl)
To get mixed up in something with somebody: se commiscere cum aliquo in aliqua re (Pl)
In moderation: modeste (H)
Generous in moderation: modeste munificus
Modest/ self-effacing: demissus, -a, -um (H)
A moment: imperative + dum wait a moment: manedum
At exactly the right moment: adeo in ipso tempore (T)
At just the right moment: opportune (Pl)
At a favorable moment: per occasionem (P)
At any moment now: quam mox (T)
At the very moment when… eodem momento quo (Fr)
In a moment: horae momento (H)
In a moment/ suddenly: momento (S)
Don't put your trust in this tranquility. The sea can be turned upside down in a moment. Noli huic tranquillitati confidere: momento mare evertitur.
On the spur of the moment: authorei (C: given in Greek script)
At this very moment: num cum maxime (T)
In a moment/ suddenly: momento (S)
Don't put your trust in this tranquility. The sea can be turned upside down in a moment. Noli huic tranquillitati confidere: momento mare evertitur.
On the spur of the moment: authorei (C: given in Greek script)
At this very moment: num cum maxime (T)
Earn a lot of money: grandem pecuniam demerere (AG)
Borrowed money: conducti nummi (H)
Principal: caput (H)
Interest: merces (H)
To spend money: sumptum facere (H)
To save money: pecuniae parcere (Er)
To throw money at a problem: argentum obiicere (+ dat) (Pl)
How much money do you need? quantum opus est tibi argenti? (T)
Money-worries: cura argentaria (T)
A large sum of money: grandis pecunia (AG)
To change hands (of money): versari (S)
Who would believe that money had changed hands in that trial, where Clodius was the defendant? Quis credat pecuniam esse versatam, in quo reus erat P. Clodius?
To spend money: pecuniam erogare (Lv)
He has money to spare: illi res est et superest. (T)
A mongrel: hybrida, -ae (H)
How is your mood? quomodo tibi places? (Er)
To save money: pecuniae parcere (Er)
To throw money at a problem: argentum obiicere (+ dat) (Pl)
How much money do you need? quantum opus est tibi argenti? (T)
Money-worries: cura argentaria (T)
A large sum of money: grandis pecunia (AG)
To change hands (of money): versari (S)
Who would believe that money had changed hands in that trial, where Clodius was the defendant? Quis credat pecuniam esse versatam, in quo reus erat P. Clodius?
To spend money: pecuniam erogare (Lv)
He has money to spare: illi res est et superest. (T)
A mongrel: hybrida, -ae (H)
How is your mood? quomodo tibi places? (Er)
A small moral failing: verruca, -ae (H)
To be moral (in a general way) continens esse (Pl) frugi esse (Pl) (T) (AG)
A moral person: homo continens (Pl) homo frugi (Pl) (T)
Moral support: solacium, -i (P)
They offered moral support rather than physical assistance: solacia magis quam virium auxilia praebuerent.
Sham morality: ficta severitas (P)
A moral life: affectus correcti (Er)
To be moral (in a general way) continens esse (Pl) frugi esse (Pl) (T) (AG)
A moral person: homo continens (Pl) homo frugi (Pl) (T)
Moral support: solacium, -i (P)
They offered moral support rather than physical assistance: solacia magis quam virium auxilia praebuerent.
Sham morality: ficta severitas (P)
A moral life: affectus correcti (Er)
Morale: acies, aciei (Frontinus)
What more could I want than .... quid aliud amplius exoptem nisi.... (Pl)
What more could I want than .... quid aliud amplius exoptem nisi.... (Pl)
For one more hour: unam praeterea horam (T)
All the more: tanto magis (T)
The person who sets about to deceive his father will (do it) all the more to others: qui fallere institerit patrem, tanto magis ceteros.
To morgage something for (such-and-such an amount of money): aliquid pignori opponere ob.... (T)
At most: ad summum
To set in motion: movere (AG)
A motive: finis, -is (Augustine)
A motive: propositum, -i (Er)
Few go there for any lofty motive: pauci illuc eunt sancto proposito.
To mould / shape: figurare (P)
Eggs moulded out of flour: ova e farina figurata
A motive: finis, -is (Augustine)
A motive: propositum, -i (Er)
Few go there for any lofty motive: pauci illuc eunt sancto proposito.
To mould / shape: figurare (P)
Eggs moulded out of flour: ova e farina figurata
To mount someone (in a sexual sense): scandere aliquem (Pl)
To make a mountain out of a molehill: arcem facere e cloaca (C)
To make a mountain out of a molehill: arcem facere e cloaca (C)
Mourning clothes: pullus amictus
Shut your mouth! opprime os! (Pl)
Shut your mouth! opprime os! (Pl)
A mouthful: bucella, -ae
To live from hand to mouth: in horam vivere (C)
To be foul-mouthed: malae linguae esse (P)
To live from hand to mouth: in horam vivere (C)
To be foul-mouthed: malae linguae esse (P)
Get a move on! Te move! (T) move te ocius! (Er)
I move that... (in proposing an action): censeo + ind. statement.
To move away (to a new home): emigrare (Pl)
I move that... (in proposing an action): censeo + ind. statement.
To move away (to a new home): emigrare (Pl)
To mow: demetere, 3, -messui, messum (H)
To mow the lawn: pratulum demetere
Not very much: parum
Not very much food: parum cibi
She does not love him very much. eum parum amat
To make much of s.o./ s.t.: aliquem/ aliquid magnificare (Pl) aliquid/ aliquem maximi aestimare (T)
Mum’s the word: mutum dices (T)
To keep mum: mussitare (T)
Murderous: internecivus, -a, -um (Fr)
To murmer at: admurmurare ad (Fr)
To compose music: modos facere (T)
Music: moduli, -orum (AG)
The Spartans used flute music in battle: Lacedaemonii tibiarum modulis in proeliis usi sunt.
The "music" of fine prose or poetry: modulus, i/ modulamentum, i (AG)
Loud music: symphonia strepens (P)
Music: moduli, -orum (AG)
The Spartans used flute music in battle: Lacedaemonii tibiarum modulis in proeliis usi sunt.
The "music" of fine prose or poetry: modulus, i/ modulamentum, i (AG)
Loud music: symphonia strepens (P)
Must (indicating the high probability or certainty of a fact): oportet (Pl) (T) debere (P)
1. There must be a human being nearby: haud longe oportet esse hominem.
He must be s.o. I know: familarem oportet esse hunc.
2. There must be something good here: Hic nescioquid boni debet esse.
To mutiny: seditionem movere (F)
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