Nothing is sacred: nihil sacrum (Er). Grk: oude hieron.
Nothing is sacred: nihil sacrum (Er). Grk: oude hieron.
To sacrifice o.s/ money/ one’s life: prodere se / pecuniam/ vitam (T)
Sadly: male (H)
He's sadly puny: ille male parvus est
Sadly: male (H)
He's sadly puny: ille male parvus est
Saddle bags
A pair of saddle bags: bisaccium
To be on a safe footing: esse in tuto (T)
This is not a safe place for.... hic locus non est tutus ad... (T)
It’s now smooth sailing: omnis res iam est in vado (T)
This is not a safe place for.... hic locus non est tutus ad... (T)
It’s now smooth sailing: omnis res iam est in vado (T)
Small salary: mercedula –ae (Sen)
For sale: venalis, -is, -e / venalicius, -a, -um
For sale: venalis, -is, -e / venalicius, -a, -um
They’re all the same: omnes congruunt (T)
Same old
You are your same old self…. (te) antiquum obtines (T)
To restore sanity (to an insane situation): sanitatem restituere (F)
To restore sanity (to an insane situation): sanitatem restituere (F)
Sarcasm: mordacitas (Pl)
To satirize: defrico, -are, -ui (H)
Satisfy/ satisfaction
Satisfactorily: ex sententia (Er)
To satisfy s.o.: aliquem explere (T)
So many people taking trouble to satisfy my needs: tot solliciti ut me expleant.
We are not satisfied with what we have: nostri nosmet paenitet (T)
To get satisfaction: satiari (L)
To be satisfied: expleri (Pl)
To be satisfied with something: aliquid boni consulere (AG)
I am satisfied with my job: muneris me non paenitet (Er)
To satisfy: satis facere + dat.
Saucy: protervus, -a, -um (Er)
To be satisfied: expleri (Pl)
To be satisfied with something: aliquid boni consulere (AG)
I am satisfied with my job: muneris me non paenitet (Er)
To satisfy: satis facere + dat.
Saucy: protervus, -a, -um (Er)
To save money: pecuniam compescere (T) pecuniae parcere (Er)
To save one’s life: pro corpore (H)
He payed money to save his life: dedit hic pro corpore nummos
To save s.o.'s life: aliquem sospitare (Pl)
You don’t say! quid ais? (T)
You said it! exlocutus es! (T)
To say nothing of the fact that…. ne addam quod + indicative (T)
Not to say a word: nullum verbum facere (T)
To say over and over again/ to keep on saying: dictitare (T)
There's s.t. in what he says: est aliquid quod dicit (T)
A saying: adagium (AG)
To say s.t. premeditated: ex praeparato loqui (S)
Don't say a thing like that!/ Bite your tongue! : melius ominare! (Pl)
When all is said and done: postea (T)
Doesn't this seem fair to you,when all is said and done? nonne haec iusta tibi videntur postea?
That's scandalous! haecin flagitia! (T)
To say over and over again/ to keep on saying: dictitare (T)
There's s.t. in what he says: est aliquid quod dicit (T)
A saying: adagium (AG)
To say s.t. premeditated: ex praeparato loqui (S)
Don't say a thing like that!/ Bite your tongue! : melius ominare! (Pl)
When all is said and done: postea (T)
Doesn't this seem fair to you,when all is said and done? nonne haec iusta tibi videntur postea?
That's scandalous! haecin flagitia! (T)
A scapegoat: pharmacus, -i (?) (P)
To make a scene: convicium facere (T)
To make a scene: convicium facere (T)
A crazy scheme: audacia (T)/ audax facinus (T)
A scheme: inceptio (T)
A scheme/ trick: techna, -ae (T)
To concoct a fabulous scheme: parare magnas machinas (Pl)
To scold s.o.: castigare aliquem (Pl)
To scour: defricare (Er)
He scoured the dishes: vasa defricavit.
Scraggy: strigosus, -a, -um (Columella) (Er)
To scramble for s.t.: aliquid diripere (Quint)
They scrambled for the dice thrown into the middle: talos in medium iactos diripuerunt.
To scold s.o.: castigare aliquem (Pl)
To scour: defricare (Er)
He scoured the dishes: vasa defricavit.
Scraggy: strigosus, -a, -um (Columella) (Er)
To scramble for s.t.: aliquid diripere (Quint)
They scrambled for the dice thrown into the middle: talos in medium iactos diripuerunt.
To scrape together (money, etc.) corradere (T)
To scratch one's head: caput scabere (3) (Er)
To scratch one's head: caput scabere (3) (Er)
To screw s.o. (i.e., have sex with: emphasis on the physical act) aliquem terere / permolere (H)
To screw s.o. (i.e. to harm/ debase) aliquem irrumare
To screw s.t. up: aliquid concacare (S)
To screw s.t. up: aliquid concacare (S)
To have scruples about doing …. Vereri + inf. (Pl)
Scrupulously: fastidiose (S)
The army scrupulously chooses those whom it accepts for toil and danger: castra, quos ad laborem et periculum recipiant, fastidiose legunt.
Over-scrupulous: superstitiosus (Er)
Scrupulously: fastidiose (S)
The army scrupulously chooses those whom it accepts for toil and danger: castra, quos ad laborem et periculum recipiant, fastidiose legunt.
Over-scrupulous: superstitiosus (Er)
To scrutinize s.t.: aliquid scrutor, -ari / aliquid pervidere (H)
The scum of the earth: mortalis minimi pretii (Pl) faex populi (C)
To seal a document/ letter: signare (+ acc) (F)
The scum of the earth: mortalis minimi pretii (Pl) faex populi (C)
To seal a document/ letter: signare (+ acc) (F)
Seating arrangement: accubitus ordo (E)
To put s.t. second: aliquid posterius ponere (Pl)
To find out at second hand: quaerere foris (AG)
Secretly: clandestino (Pl)
To reveal secrets: occulta expromere (T)
To keep s.t. secret: aliquid occulte ferre (T)
To keep s.t. secret: aliquid occulte ferre (T)
To feel secure about s.t.: esse securum de aliqua re (P)
Seductive: delenificiens (Pl)
I see (used ironically when you think s.o. is lying to you) scio (T)
Seeing that…. quandoquidem + indic. (Er)/ quando + indic. (Pl)
To see to s.t.: aliquid curare (T)
I’ve seen to that: id curavi.
To see to it that s.t. is not done: cavere ne + subj.
To want to see s.o.: aliquem velle (Pl)
I want to see Demaenetus: Demaenetum volo.
Let's see if we can.... experiamur + infin. (T)
That's how I see it: sic mihi videtur (T)
See someone off (on a journey): aliquem producere (T)
Self-confidence: confidentia (AG)
Self-defeating: periculum sui faciens (S)
Self-interest: utilitas, -atis (Cic). cura utilitatis suae (S)
In one's own self-interest: ex re sua (Pl)
To see to it that s.t. is not done: cavere ne + subj.
To want to see s.o.: aliquem velle (Pl)
I want to see Demaenetus: Demaenetum volo.
Let's see if we can.... experiamur + infin. (T)
That's how I see it: sic mihi videtur (T)
See someone off (on a journey): aliquem producere (T)
Self-confidence: confidentia (AG)
Self-defeating: periculum sui faciens (S)
Self-interest: utilitas, -atis (Cic). cura utilitatis suae (S)
In one's own self-interest: ex re sua (Pl)
You will be acting in your own self-interest: ex re tua facies.
Self-sufficient: se (ipso) contentus (S)
You are your same old self…. (te) antiquum obtines (T)
Selfishness/ selfish-need: utilitas, -atis (S)
No selfish need of his own draws him into friendship: ad amicitiam fert illum nulla utilitas sua.
Semi-learned/ half-educated
A semi-learned/ half educated person: literator (AG) (A truly learned person is a literatus)
Semi-educated: semidoctus -a, -um (AG)
Self-sufficient: se (ipso) contentus (S)
You are your same old self…. (te) antiquum obtines (T)
Selfishness/ selfish-need: utilitas, -atis (S)
No selfish need of his own draws him into friendship: ad amicitiam fert illum nulla utilitas sua.
Semi-learned/ half-educated
A semi-learned/ half educated person: literator (AG) (A truly learned person is a literatus)
Semi-educated: semidoctus -a, -um (AG)
To be senile: aetate desipere (AG)
De Sensibus Externis (Com. ILR. 26)
On the external senses.
Caleat an frigeat quid, tangendo; humidum an siccum prensando; durum an molle, comprimendo; leve and apserum, attrectando; grave an leve, tollendo; periculum fac et comperies.
Experiment and you will find out whether something is hot or cold by touching it; wet or dry by grasping it; hard or soft by pressing it; smooth or rough by feeling it; heavy or light by lifting it.
Palpando quaerimus quod non conspicamur.
We grope for what we do not see.
Atque iste est primus sensus, tactus.
And this is touch, the first sense.
Gustus sapores dignoscendi facultatem habet.
Taste has the ability to tell flavours apart.
Nam saccarum dulce est, absynthium amarum, acetosa oxalisve acida, piper acre, labrusca acerba, immatura / immitia et silvestria poma austera, quaedam plane insipida.
For sugar is sweet, wormwood is bitter, sorrel or sour-dart is tart, pepper is keen / biting, the wild grape is sour, green apples and crab apples harsh, [and] some things are absolutely without flavour..
Olfactus / odoratus odores, qualiter quid oleat, internoscit / olfacit.
Smell discerns / smells how something smells.
Moscus enim (qui cruor est circa umbilicum zibethi collectus) fragrantiam exhalat; assa vel adusta caro nidorem; morticina et cadavera taeterrimum foetorem: spiracula mephitim, gravissimum ac pestiferum spiritum. pili subalares redolent hircum / hircosum.
For musk (which is blood collected about the navel of a civet cat [/ muskrat?], gives out a scent; roasted or scorched meat, an [unpleasant] smell / "reek"; carrion and dead bodies, a very noisome stench; ground shafts, a noxious vapour, a very offensive and pestilential exhalation. Arm pit hair smells like a goat/ goatish.
Mucida, senta , putida, putrida, rancida (cuiusmodi lardum esse solet et arvina), foetent / sordent.
Musty [/ mouldy], tainted, rotten, putrid, rancid things (like bacon and grease tend to be), stink / have a filthy smell.
Auditu sonos discernimus. etenim sonus ex solidorum collisione editus, auriculis exceptus per tortuosos ac flexuosos anfractus transmittitur ad aerem congenitum, juxta cerebellum.
We discern sounds by hearing. For a sound produced by striking together of solid objects, picked up by the ear lobes is transmitted through the twisting and bending windings to the innate air [?] next to the brain.
Contrarii sunt risus et fletus, plausus (manus complosae) et planctus, iubilum et gemitus, suspiria, singultus, susurrus, et vociferatio / exclamatio.
Contrary sounds include laughter and crying, applause (a stiking together of the hands) and loud lamentation [or perhaps, beating of the breast], shouts of joy and moaning, sighing, sobbing, murmuring [ / whispering] and shouting / exclaiming.
Tonus repercussus et resonans, echo dicitur; nullus, silentium.
A reflected and resounding tone is called an echo. No [sound] is called silence.
Colores, quorum albus et niger extremi sunt, reliqui intermedii, visu (qui tamen hallucinari potest, nisi oculos intenderes) discriminamus sic:
Colours, of which white and black are the furthest apart, the rest intermediate, we discern by sight (which however may be mistaken, if you do not exert your eyes) in this way:
Pix est atra, Aethiops fuscus, passer pullus, anser aquilus, castanea spadicea / badia.
Pitch is coal-black, a black person is swart, a sparrow brown, a goose dark grey, a chestnut chestnut-brown / bay.
Inter caerulea, caryophyllon dic hyacinthinum, violam ianthinum, suggillationem lividam, cyanum cyaneum, felinos oculos caesios / glaucos, quaedam subcaerula.
Among blue things, call the gilly-flower a dark purple-blue; the violet of a violet colour; the mark of a bruise, black-and-blue; the herb blue-bottle of an azure/ sky-blue / bright-blue; cats eyes of a grey-blue; some things bluish.
Inter viridia, quercetum herbeum, pinetum prasinum, pontum hyalum / venetum / vitreum.
Among green things, a grove of oaks is grass-green; of grove of pines is leek-green; the sea is sea-green.
Rubra sunt: leo fulvus, minium puniceum, coccum coccineum / purpureum, flamma rutila, sanguis rubicundus. nonnulla rubida, quaedam rava.
Red things include: the tawny / dun-coloured lion, dark-red vermillion / red-lead, crimson scarlet dye, a fire-red flame, dark-red blood. Some things are reddish / ruddy; some are russet.
Lutea sunt aurum flavum, cadaver exsangue luridum, later semicoctus gilvus / helvus.
Yellow things include bright-yellow gold, a dead-yellow bloodless carcass, a whitish yellow / sallow half-cooked brick.
Albi denique species sunt russus, cinereus, pallidus, lacteus, canus, candidus, niveus, scutulatus, vulgo noti. sed quaedam sunt discolora, versicolora, decolora.
Finally the kinds of commonly-known white include white-red / carnation / flesh-colour, ash-white, pale-white, milk-white, hoary, bright white, snowy white, dapple-grey. However some things are party-coloured motely-coloured / pied / speckled, of changing colour [and] of a faded, washed-out colour.
It doesn’t make sense: non cohaeret (T)
To have no sense at all: nihil sapere corde (Pl)
To come to one’s senses: resipisco –ere –ui (P)
Sense of humour
A sense of humour: festivitas (AG)
To say/ do s.t. with a sense of humour: aliuid festiviter dicere/ facere (AG)
Sense of humour
A sense of humour: festivitas (AG)
To say/ do s.t. with a sense of humour: aliuid festiviter dicere/ facere (AG)
Sensibly/ with good sense: sobrie (AG)
To be sensible: sapere (Pl) (Er) cordatus esse / mentem sanam sumpsisse (Pl)
Sensible: sapiens, -ntis (Pl)/ cordatus, -a, -um
To separate s.o./ s.t. from s.t. aliquem/ aliquid ab aliqua re secludere (Pl)
Separation (between two people): seiunctio -onis (Er)
If our friendship had developed for common reasons, I would be rather afraid that it would, if not have ended, at least cooled down, by so long a separation: si amicitia nostra vulgaribus causis coiisset, vererer nonnihil, ne ea tam longa seiunctione, si non interisset, certe refrixisset.
To speak seriously: dicere serio (Pl)
But seriously/ but all joking aside: tandem vero serio (Pl)
But seriously: sed extra iocum (Er)
I'm not joking, I'm being serious: non rideo quidem, immo rem ipsam dico (Er)
Your humble servant: servus tuus (P)
To separate s.o./ s.t. from s.t. aliquem/ aliquid ab aliqua re secludere (Pl)
Separation (between two people): seiunctio -onis (Er)
If our friendship had developed for common reasons, I would be rather afraid that it would, if not have ended, at least cooled down, by so long a separation: si amicitia nostra vulgaribus causis coiisset, vererer nonnihil, ne ea tam longa seiunctione, si non interisset, certe refrixisset.
To speak seriously: dicere serio (Pl)
But seriously/ but all joking aside: tandem vero serio (Pl)
But seriously: sed extra iocum (Er)
I'm not joking, I'm being serious: non rideo quidem, immo rem ipsam dico (Er)
Your humble servant: servus tuus (P)
That serves you right: ita meritus es (T)/ dignus es (T)
To serve a purpose: usum praebere (H)
To serve (food or drinks): apponere (Er)
To serve a ball: pilam mittere (Er)
A serving (e.g. of food) portio -onis (Er)
To take a small serving: portiunculam decerpere (Er)
To serve (food or drinks): apponere (Er)
To serve a ball: pilam mittere (Er)
A serving (e.g. of food) portio -onis (Er)
To take a small serving: portiunculam decerpere (Er)
Service: opera, -ae (Pl)
I’m at your service: hanc operam tibi dico (T)
To be at one’s service: praesto esse alicui (Pl)
I’m at your service: hanc operam tibi dico (T)
To be at one’s service: praesto esse alicui (Pl)
Services rendered for cash: opera pro pecunia (Pl)
To be of service to s.o.: alicui servire (Pl)
To do s.o. a service: operam alicui dare (T)
A service: obsequium, -i (Er)
To do a service: obsequium praebere / obire / perficere / agere (Er)
To be of service to s.o.: alicui servire (Pl)
To do s.o. a service: operam alicui dare (T)
A service: obsequium, -i (Er)
To do a service: obsequium praebere / obire / perficere / agere (Er)
To set about doing s.t.: adgredi + indirect statement (Fr).
To set out to do s.t.: instare aliquid facere (T)
To set a day: diem praestitere (F)
To set s.t. up: aliquid instruere (Pl)
He is setting up a hot-drinks stand: thermopolium instruit
A set (of people): sodalitium, -i (Er)
The academic set: sodalitium academicum
To settle a dispute amicably: componere cum bona gratia.
To settle a dispute inamciably: componere cum mala gratia.
To be unsettled: parum sedere (S)
My judgement is not very settled: iudicium meum parum sedet.
To set out to do s.t.: instare aliquid facere (T)
To set a day: diem praestitere (F)
To set s.t. up: aliquid instruere (Pl)
He is setting up a hot-drinks stand: thermopolium instruit
A set (of people): sodalitium, -i (Er)
The academic set: sodalitium academicum
To settle a dispute amicably: componere cum bona gratia.
To settle a dispute inamciably: componere cum mala gratia.
To be unsettled: parum sedere (S)
My judgement is not very settled: iudicium meum parum sedet.
Several: complures (T) compluscul, -ae, -a (AG)
Ask for/ sollicit sex: rogare stuprum (P)
Have sex with s.o./ “hump” s.o.: aliquem tero, -3, trivi, tritum
To have sex with s.o.: aliquem permolere (H)
To have hot and heavy sex with s.o.: cum aliquo proeliari (Ap)
To sleep with s.o: (sexually) aliquem accumbere (Pl)
A night of sex: nox spurca (Pl)
A sexual relationship: vesticontubernium (P) (? litterally, a partnership under the covers: this word may be a copyist's mistake)
To have sex/ wallow in sex: volutare (P)
To have sex with s.o./ mate with s.o. (of a man): aliquam inire (Suet)
To change / switch sexual partners: equum mutare (P)
Shabby (in appearance): sordidatus, -a, -um (Pl)
To have hot and heavy sex with s.o.: cum aliquo proeliari (Ap)
To sleep with s.o: (sexually) aliquem accumbere (Pl)
A night of sex: nox spurca (Pl)
A sexual relationship: vesticontubernium (P) (? litterally, a partnership under the covers: this word may be a copyist's mistake)
To have sex/ wallow in sex: volutare (P)
To have sex with s.o./ mate with s.o. (of a man): aliquam inire (Suet)
To change / switch sexual partners: equum mutare (P)
Shabby (in appearance): sordidatus, -a, -um (Pl)
It’s a shame: flagitium est (AG)
What a shame! facinus indignum! (C)
To be shameless: minimum habere frontis (Er)
To be without shame/ bashfulness: perfrictae frontis esse (Er)
What a shame! facinus indignum! (C)
To be shameless: minimum habere frontis (Er)
To be without shame/ bashfulness: perfrictae frontis esse (Er)
To shape (a literary/ artistic piece) tornare (Fr)
To shape (a physical item) figurare
Eggs shaped out of flour: ova e farina figurata (P)
To share s.t. with s.o.: aliquid cum aliquo partiri (Pl)
To share s.t. with s.o.: aliquid communicare cum aliquo (S) (F)
Smooth-shaven: rasus, -a, -um (Pr)
To shine on s.o.: alicui illucescere (3rd p.p.: illuxi)
To be shipwreched: naufragium facere (S)
I was already shipwrecked before I could get on the ship: antequam navem ascenderem, naufragium feceram
To shape (a physical item) figurare
Eggs shaped out of flour: ova e farina figurata (P)
To share s.t. with s.o.: aliquid cum aliquo partiri (Pl)
To share s.t. with s.o.: aliquid communicare cum aliquo (S) (F)
Smooth-shaven: rasus, -a, -um (Pr)
To shine on s.o.: alicui illucescere (3rd p.p.: illuxi)
To be shipwreched: naufragium facere (S)
I was already shipwrecked before I could get on the ship: antequam navem ascenderem, naufragium feceram
Shirt: tunicula, -ae (P) indusium (Er), camisia –ae (LL)
Not to give a sh*t about s.o./s.t.: aliquem/ aliquid non flocci facere (Pl) (T)
Sh*tty: stercoreus (Pl)
You piece of sh*t! sterculinum! (T)
Sh*tty: stercoreus (Pl)
You piece of sh*t! sterculinum! (T)
To be shocked: consternari (Fr)
Shocking: atrox (Fr)
To be shocked: expavidus esse (AG)
To be shocked: consternari (Fr)
Shocking: atrox (Fr)
To be shocked: expavidus esse (AG)
Amazed and shocked at such impudence: tali impudentia ictus expavidusque
To take off one’s shoes: soccos detrahere (Fr)/ calceos extrahere (Fr)
Wearing shoes: calceatus (Fr)
To shoo something away: aliquid abigere (Pl) (C) (Er)
He shooed the flies away with a whisk: muscas scopulo abegit.
To shoot (a projectile) mittere (S)
To shoo something away: aliquid abigere (Pl) (C) (Er)
He shooed the flies away with a whisk: muscas scopulo abegit.
To shoot (a projectile) mittere (S)
In short/ in sum: denique (Fr)/ postremo (T)
In short: quid multis? (Pl) ad summam (P) Short for: quid multis verbis opus est?
In short: quid multis? (Pl) ad summam (P) Short for: quid multis verbis opus est?
Make it short! expedi verbo (T) ad summam! (P)
Short: contractus, -a, -um (S)
Short: contractus, -a, -um (S)
Short cut
A short-cut: compendium, -i (Pl) compendaria, -ae: (Er)
To take a short-cut: compendium facere (Pl)
To take a short-cut to happiness: felicitatis compendium facere (Pl)
Should / should have: aequum est / aequum fuit + indirect statement (T)
You should have said this and stuck to it: aequum fuit te hoc dicere et id defendere.
To shove in: culare in (P. hapax)
He bought some rams and shoved them into his heard: arietes emit et eos culavit in gregem.
To take a short-cut: compendium facere (Pl)
To take a short-cut to happiness: felicitatis compendium facere (Pl)
Should / should have: aequum est / aequum fuit + indirect statement (T)
You should have said this and stuck to it: aequum fuit te hoc dicere et id defendere.
To shove in: culare in (P. hapax)
He bought some rams and shoved them into his heard: arietes emit et eos culavit in gregem.
To show up: prodire (T)
I showed up at the funeral: in funus prodii (T)
To show off s.t.: aliquid expromere (AG)
He showed off his archaic and unknown vocabulary in everyday conversations: voces priscas et ignotas in cotidianis sermonibus expromebat.
Showy (ostentatious) ambitiosus, -a, -um (S)
To show off: caudam iactare (Pr)
This goes to show: hinc scies ...+ indir. statement (P)
To shower someone with s.t.: aliquid ingerere alicui (S)
To show off s.t.: aliquid expromere (AG)
He showed off his archaic and unknown vocabulary in everyday conversations: voces priscas et ignotas in cotidianis sermonibus expromebat.
Showy (ostentatious) ambitiosus, -a, -um (S)
To show off: caudam iactare (Pr)
This goes to show: hinc scies ...+ indir. statement (P)
To shower someone with s.t.: aliquid ingerere alicui (S)
Shrewd: scitus, -a, -um (T)
Shrewd: prudens, -tis (F)
This shrewd arrangement was no doubt the reason for the victory: haec tam prudens ordinatio non dubie causa victoriae fuit.
Shrewd: prudens, -tis (F)
This shrewd arrangement was no doubt the reason for the victory: haec tam prudens ordinatio non dubie causa victoriae fuit.
To shriek: stridere
Shrill: acidus, -a, -um (P) Paratissimus puer me acido cantico excepit. A slave readily took my order with a shrill song.
Shrill: acidus, -a, -um (P) Paratissimus puer me acido cantico excepit. A slave readily took my order with a shrill song.
I shudder to think of it: contremisco cogitans (Er)
To shut s.o. out of doors: aliquem foras excludere (Pl)
To shut s.o. in: aliquem occludere (Pl)
To be shy/ bashfull: verecundae frontis esse (Er)
To shut s.o. out of doors: aliquem foras excludere (Pl)
To shut s.o. in: aliquem occludere (Pl)
To be shy/ bashfull: verecundae frontis esse (Er)
One’s own side of the story: sua iusta –orum (T)
On one side: in una parte (AG)
On all sides/ from all sides: undique (F)
They fought on all sides: undique pugnabant
To go/ walk side by side: pariter ire/ incedere (S)
A side (in a game / competition): pars, partis (Er)
Whichever side first wins three matches, the loosing side will buy them a beer: utra pars prior evicerit tres lusus, ei victa cervisiam comparabit.
To choose sides (by lot): partes sortiri (Er)
On one side: in una parte (AG)
On all sides/ from all sides: undique (F)
They fought on all sides: undique pugnabant
To go/ walk side by side: pariter ire/ incedere (S)
A side (in a game / competition): pars, partis (Er)
Whichever side first wins three matches, the loosing side will buy them a beer: utra pars prior evicerit tres lusus, ei victa cervisiam comparabit.
To choose sides (by lot): partes sortiri (Er)
Side glances
Side glance: eversa cervix (T)
A side-kick: congerro, -onis (Pl). Possibly, parasitus, -i (Pl)
A side-kick: congerro, -onis (Pl). Possibly, parasitus, -i (Pl)
In plain sight: in conspectu (F)
He had the enemy camp in plain sight: habuit in conspectu castra hostilia
In plain sight: in conspectu (F)
He had the enemy camp in plain sight: habuit in conspectu castra hostilia
To withdraw out of one’s sight: concedere ex ore alicuius (T)
To catch sight of s.o./ s.t conspicere aliquem/ aliquid
Out of sight: ex conspectu (Pl)
What a sight! quae facies rei! (Ap)
To catch sight of s.o./ s.t conspicere aliquem/ aliquid
Out of sight: ex conspectu (Pl)
What a sight! quae facies rei! (Ap)
To go sight-seeing: lustrare oculis (totam urbem) (P)
To sign a check: subsignare syngrapham
To give a signal to s.o. by a nod: alicui innuere (Pl)
Signed, sealed and delivered
Signed, sealed and delivered
Signed sealed and delivered/ fait accompli: factum transactum (T)
It’s all signed, sealed and delivered: facta transacta omnia (T)
To fall silent: obticere (AG)
Silly: insubidus, -a, -um (AG)
Silly: inscitus, -a, -um (Pl)
It's silly of me to expect to control my master: ego inscitus sum qui domino meo postulem moderari.
Silly boy! Morus es (AG)
Since the time that…. Ex quo (tempore) + indic. (S)
Since then: postillac (Pl)
Since (ie. seeing that/ on account of the fact that): quando (Pl)
Since: iam inde ab (T)
Since childhood: iam inde a puero
Sincerely: ex animo (Er)
Single life: aetas vidua (Pl)
Single life: aetas vidua (Pl)
Sit at the head of the table: superior accumbere (Pl)
Sit down to dinner: accumbere mensae (Er) discumbere (P)
In such unfavorable circumstances: in tanta rerum inquitate (C)
A critical situation: res dubiae / res perditae / res afflictae (C)
To be placed in an embarrassing situation: in angustiis adduci (C)
To be in a difficult situation: in difficultibus versari (C) in angustiis versari (C)
The situation makes it necessary to…. res ita fert ut… (C)
The situation has got to the poit that…. res eo deducta est ut…. (C)
I’m in the situation that…. incidi in eum locum ut…. (T)
In this situation: in hoc tempore
In such (a difficult) situation: in tali tempore
This is my situation: in hoc loco sum (T)
This is the situation: ita res se habent (C)
An awkward situation: locus iniquus (F)
An awkward situation: locus iniquus (F)
To skim over s.t. (in speaking/ writing about s.t.): aliquid percurrere (H)
Thick skin: callum, -i
To be comfortable in one's own skin: sibi commodus esse (T)
All skin and bone: strigosus, -a, -um (Columella) (Er)
To skip town/ skip the country: abire exulatum (Pl)
A skirmish: proelium leve (F)
To slacken one's efforts: defetisci experiri (T)
A slacker: cessator, -oris (AG)
Slackness: dissolutio, -onis (S)
A slander: obtrectatio, -onis (Er)
To bitch-slap s.o.: aliquem depalmare (A.G.)
Recently released from slavery: pilleatus, -a, -um (P)
To be comfortable in one's own skin: sibi commodus esse (T)
All skin and bone: strigosus, -a, -um (Columella) (Er)
To skip town/ skip the country: abire exulatum (Pl)
A skirmish: proelium leve (F)
To slacken one's efforts: defetisci experiri (T)
A slacker: cessator, -oris (AG)
Slackness: dissolutio, -onis (S)
A slander: obtrectatio, -onis (Er)
To bitch-slap s.o.: aliquem depalmare (A.G.)
Recently released from slavery: pilleatus, -a, -um (P)
Sleazy (i.e., morally) perfidus, -a, -um (H)
Sleazy (i.e., morally) perfidus, -a, -um (H)
To sleep soundly: arte dormire (C)
To sleep late: in lucem dormire (C) perdormire (Fr) prodormire (Fr)
Fall asleep: obdormire (C) condormiscere (Pl)
Drift off to sleep: in somnum labi (P)
Drift off to sleep: in somnum labi (P)
Dozing: semisomnis (Er)
To need a lot of sleep: multi somni esse (Fr)
To sleep the whole night through: perdormiscere usque ad lucem (Pl)
To sleep with s.o. (sexually): accumbere aliquem (Pl)
To sleep off a hangover: crapulam edormiscere (Pl)
To "sleep" on s.t. (ie. to leave off thinking about s.t. until tomorrow): indormire alicui rei (Pl)
Not to get a wink of sleep: somnum non videre (C)
To sleep the whole night through: perdormiscere usque ad lucem (Pl)
To sleep with s.o. (sexually): accumbere aliquem (Pl)
To sleep off a hangover: crapulam edormiscere (Pl)
To "sleep" on s.t. (ie. to leave off thinking about s.t. until tomorrow): indormire alicui rei (Pl)
Not to get a wink of sleep: somnum non videre (C)
Slight: modicus, -a, -um (Fr)
Slip up / make a mistake: titubare (Pl)
Slip-up: There's been a slip up: titubatum est (Pl)
I'll know if there has been a slip-up: iam sciam, si quid titubatum est (Pl)
To give s.o. the slip: se subterducere alicui (Pl)
Slip-up: There's been a slip up: titubatum est (Pl)
I'll know if there has been a slip-up: iam sciam, si quid titubatum est (Pl)
To give s.o. the slip: se subterducere alicui (Pl)
Wearing slippers: soleatus (Fr)
He’s a bit “slow.” tardiusculus est (T)
On the sly: clanculum / clanculo
On the sly: clanculum / clanculo
Rather small: minor (T)
Smart: catus, -a, -um (Er)
Smart/ prudent/ sensible: cordatus (P)
It’s smart to…. scitum est + infin. (T) consultum est + inf (Er)
To smash in pieces: diffringere (Pl)
To smash in pieces: diffringere (Pl)
To smell of s.t.: olere aliquid/ obolere aliquid (Pl) (T)
My son smells of cologne: filius olet unguentum.
My son smells of cologne: filius olet unguentum.
To smell of garlic: obolere alium (Pl)
To smell like a goat: olere hircum (H)
To smell good: bene olere (P)
To smell good: bene olere (P)
To blow smoke in s.o.’s eyes: fuliginem ob oculos iacere
A smooth operator: homo suavis (T)
“smut”: spurcitia, -ae/ spurcities, -ei (Pl)
To snap one's fingers: digitos concrepare (P)
To snap one's fingers: digitos concrepare (P)
To snare: inretire (Fr)
To snatch s.t. away from s.o. aliquid alicui praeripere (Pl)
To snatch s.t. away from s.o. aliquid alicui praeripere (Pl)
To sneak: subrepere (Pl)
To sneak away from s.o.: se subducere (Pl)/ se surripere alicui (Pl)
To sneak: clam ire (Pl)
Sneakily: clam/ clanculum
To sneak: clam ire (Pl)
Sneakily: clam/ clanculum
A sneer: cachinnus rigidus (Jv) sanna, -ae (Pr) nares uncae (H)
To sneer at s.o.: aliquem naso adunco suspendere (H)
To sneer at s.o.: aliquem naso adunco suspendere (H)
To sniff (like a dog) odorare
To go sniffing around: ire odorans
How so? Sic? (T)
So far: adhuc (T) usque adhuc (Pl) hactenus (Er) huc usque (Er)
So far so good: bene habent principia (T)
So far/ up to now: usque adhuc (T)
So long as: tantisper… dum (T)
So much: so much for that: eatenus (Pl)
So much so that... adeo ut + subjunctive (Pl)
So much so that... adeo ut + subjunctive (Pl)
So what? Quid tum? Quid ergo (P)
And so? (expecting more information , an explanation /conclusion etc): quid tum postea? (T)
Sober (i.e. serious-minded) siccus, -a, -um (Pl)
And so? (expecting more information , an explanation /conclusion etc): quid tum postea? (T)
Sober (i.e. serious-minded) siccus, -a, -um (Pl)
Social life: convictus –us (Pl)
Social sense/ sense of tact: communis sensus (H)
He is absolutely without a social sense: communi sensu plane caret
One's social superior: erus, -i, era, -ae (Pl)
To find a solution to a problem: invenire remedium malo (T)
Somewhat (adverbial): nonnihil (T)
Somewhere: uspiam (Pl)
Too soon: numero (Pl)
Sophistical: captiosus, -a, -um (AG)
Sophistical: captiosus, -a, -um (AG)
Sophisticated: captiosus, -a, -um (AG)
To be too soft on s.o.: alicui nimium indulgere (T)
To solve (a riddle): expedire (Fr)
How soon? quam mox? (Pl)
How soon will lunch be ready: quam mox prandium coctum est?
To touch a sore spot (metaphorically): ulcus tangere (T)
What was less helpful than touching this sore spot and mentioning his wife? Quid minus utile fuit quam hoc ulcus tangere aut nominare uxorem?
How soon? quam mox? (Pl)
How soon will lunch be ready: quam mox prandium coctum est?
To touch a sore spot (metaphorically): ulcus tangere (T)
What was less helpful than touching this sore spot and mentioning his wife? Quid minus utile fuit quam hoc ulcus tangere aut nominare uxorem?
Sorry state of art: lutea Minerva (Fr)
Sort of person: idoneus
He’s the sort of person you can make a fool of: idoneus est quem illudas (Pl)
As sort of: quasi (T)
They left me here as a sort of teacher: me reliquerunt quasi magistrum
That sort of person: huiusmodi homo (T)
He knew I was that sort of person: sciebat me huiusmodi esse.
That sort of person: huiusmodi homo (T)
He knew I was that sort of person: sciebat me huiusmodi esse.
Archaic-sounding style: oratio antiquitatem redolens (C)
To give s.o. his space: dare locum alicui (T)
To call a spade a spade: derectum loqui (P)
To call a spade a spade: derectum loqui (P)
Spare no expense: sumptum non parcere (Pl)
Spare no effort: operam non parcere (Pl)
To use something sparingly: parcere alicui rei (Pl)
Speak of the devil! lupus in fabula! (T)
To make someone into a sad spectacle: aliquem ludos pessimos facere (Pl)
Speech impediment: lingua debilis (AG)
At top speed: magno cursu (S)
To spend: impendere (Fr) insumere (Er)
To spend the day: diem adtero, 3, -trivi, -tritum (Fr)
To spend the day in happiness: diem in laetitita agere (T)
To spend the day in happiness: diem in laetitita agere (T)
To spend/ pass one’s life: vitam transigere (S)
To spend acc. to one’s income: facere sumptus pro questu (H)
To spend money: pecuniam erogare (Lv) facere sumptum
Spic and Span
To be spic and span: nitere (2) (Er)
Make the whole house spic and span: fac ut niteat tota domus
To spend money: pecuniam erogare (Lv) facere sumptum
Spic and Span
To be spic and span: nitere (2) (Er)
Make the whole house spic and span: fac ut niteat tota domus
To be small-/mean-spirited: parvi animi esse (H)
To spit s.t. out: despuere aliquid (Pl)
To spit out wine after tasting it: pytissare (T)
In spite of me/ you/ him etc: me/ te/ illo invito (Pl)
To spit out wine after tasting it: pytissare (T)
In spite of me/ you/ him etc: me/ te/ illo invito (Pl)
To split s.t. up the middle: aliquid medium dividere (H)
To spoil s.t.: ruere aliquid (T)
Don’t spoil anything by being careless: vide sis ne quid imprudens ruas (T)
To spoil s.t.: corrumpere aliquid (H)
Pleasure spoiled by a lot of pain: multo corrupta dolore voluptas
Spoiled (of a person): nimium delicatus (Pl)
I have spoiled you: nimium te habui delicatum.
To spoil s.o.: aliquem perdere (T)
Why are you spoiling our boy? cur perdis adulescentulum nostrum?
Spoiled (of a person): nimium delicatus (Pl)
I have spoiled you: nimium te habui delicatum.
To spoil s.o.: aliquem perdere (T)
Why are you spoiling our boy? cur perdis adulescentulum nostrum?
A spontaneous impulse: ingenuus impetus (Fr)
On the spot (space: there on the spot; of time: do it on the spot): ilico
To spread a story around: fabulam perferre (AG)
To spread (intrans) (of a disease): serpere (S)
My sores, if not completely healed, have stopped spreading: ulcera, quae etiam si persanata non sunt, serpere desierunt.
On the spot (space: there on the spot; of time: do it on the spot): ilico
To spread a story around: fabulam perferre (AG)
To spread (intrans) (of a disease): serpere (S)
My sores, if not completely healed, have stopped spreading: ulcera, quae etiam si persanata non sunt, serpere desierunt.
To spur a willing horse: hortari sponte currentem (J)
Spurious: insitivus, -a, -um (Phaedrus)
To spy on s.o./ s.t.: aliquem/ aliquid observare (Pl)
A spy: Corycaeus -i (Er)
Spies are everywhere: Corycaeis plena sunt omnia.
Spurious: insitivus, -a, -um (Phaedrus)
To spy on s.o./ s.t.: aliquem/ aliquid observare (Pl)
A spy: Corycaeus -i (Er)
Spies are everywhere: Corycaeis plena sunt omnia.
A squabble: seditio (T) litigium, -i (Pl)
To squabble with s.o.: tumultuare cum aliquo (Pl)
To squander money: argentum conficere (T)
To squander money/ life: pecuniam/ vitam perdere (T)
To squander something: aliquid dilapidare (T) aliquid profundere (T) nepotari aliquid / absumere aliquid (Pl)/ oblimare aliquid (H) congraecari aliquid (Pl)
To squander money: argentum conficere (T)
To squander money/ life: pecuniam/ vitam perdere (T)
To squander something: aliquid dilapidare (T) aliquid profundere (T) nepotari aliquid / absumere aliquid (Pl)/ oblimare aliquid (H) congraecari aliquid (Pl)
To squint: oculos interndere (JB)
To stab s.o.: aliquem tranverberare (F)
A stage: gradus, -us (S)
One day is a stage in life's journey: unus dies gradus vitae est.
To be at stake: periclitari (Er)
To play for stakes: periculo certare (Er)
To stamp one's foot: pedem supplodere (S)
To stab s.o.: aliquem tranverberare (F)
A stage: gradus, -us (S)
One day is a stage in life's journey: unus dies gradus vitae est.
To be at stake: periclitari (Er)
To play for stakes: periculo certare (Er)
To stamp one's foot: pedem supplodere (S)
To stand aside: concedere (T)
To stand fast: constare
To stand up to s.o.: alicui adversari (T)
Stand on guard: stare in statu (Pl)
Stand up for s.o.: cum aliquo stare (T)
Stand (i.e. bear/ endure) s.t.: aliquid perpeti (Pl)
I can easily stand some other girl being with you: aliam tecum esse facile perpeti possum
To do s.t. standing up: aliquid facere adstans (Pl)
To stand apart: in recessu stare (F)
They stood apart like spectators: in recessu spectantium more stabant.
To stand behind s.o. (literally): alicui a tergo consistere (Er)
Stand (i.e. bear/ endure) s.t.: aliquid perpeti (Pl)
I can easily stand some other girl being with you: aliam tecum esse facile perpeti possum
To do s.t. standing up: aliquid facere adstans (Pl)
To stand apart: in recessu stare (F)
They stood apart like spectators: in recessu spectantium more stabant.
To stand behind s.o. (literally): alicui a tergo consistere (Er)
Standard practice: disciplina –ae
It’s standard practice for those same people who seek access to the mistress to give presents to the maid first: disciplina est isdem munerarier ancillas primum, ad dominas qui affectant viam (T)
Stallion (including in the sexual sense): admissarius (Pl)
To stare at s.o./ s.t.: oculos in aliquem / aliquid intentare (P)
To stare at s.o./ s.t.: oculos in aliquem / aliquid intentare (P)
To start all over again: redire ad integrum (T)
Starting point: illic, ubi abire (H)
To start with: in principio (T)
Why don't you go up to him and say something soothing to start with: sed quid cessas hominem adire et blande in principio alloqui?
Starting gate
A starting gate: carcer, -eris (Er)
To startle s.o.: aliquem consternare (Sal)
He startled the horses: equos consternavit.
To start with: in principio (T)
Why don't you go up to him and say something soothing to start with: sed quid cessas hominem adire et blande in principio alloqui?
Starting gate
A starting gate: carcer, -eris (Er)
To startle s.o.: aliquem consternare (Sal)
He startled the horses: equos consternavit.
To stay with friends: divertere/ diverti apud amicos (T)
Stay where you are! consiste! (T)
To find a place to stay: divertere (F)
The son of Antigonus found a place to stay in the house of a woman whose three daughters were remarkable for their beauty: filius Antingoni divertit in mulieris domum, cui tres filiae insignes specie erant.
To steel oneself to do s.t. durare aliquid facere (P) I steeled my self to ask him a question: duravi interrogare illum
A stern character: praefractis moribus (Er)
Stick around
To stick around somewhere: alicubi haerere (T)
Stick out
Stay where you are! consiste! (T)
To find a place to stay: divertere (F)
The son of Antigonus found a place to stay in the house of a woman whose three daughters were remarkable for their beauty: filius Antingoni divertit in mulieris domum, cui tres filiae insignes specie erant.
To steel oneself to do s.t. durare aliquid facere (P) I steeled my self to ask him a question: duravi interrogare illum
A stern character: praefractis moribus (Er)
Stick around
To stick around somewhere: alicubi haerere (T)
Stick out
To stick out: exstare (H)
His nose was sticking out: nasus eius exstabat
To stimulate: excitare (Er)
Stingy: parcus, -a, -um (AG) sordidus, -a, -um (H)
Stinginess: sordes, -ium (Er)
An iron stomach: cornea fibra (Pr)
To put a stop to s.t.: modum facere alicui rei (Pl)
To stop doing s.t.: remittere + infin (T)
If you thought about it, you would stop troubling me with unjust demands: si cogites, remittas me onerare iniuriis.
To stop doing s.t.: desistere + infin (Pl) (H)
To stop (doing s.t) until s.t. happens: desistere (aliquid facere) quin + subj (Pl)
I'll never stop until I find her: numquam desistam quin eam inveniam.
To stop oneself from doing s.t.: se reprehendere ne + subj.
To make up a story (ie. false tale, lie) that.... comminisci + indirect statement (T)
To tell the whole story from start to finish: rem omnem narrare ordine (T)
To stop (doing s.t) until s.t. happens: desistere (aliquid facere) quin + subj (Pl)
I'll never stop until I find her: numquam desistam quin eam inveniam.
To stop oneself from doing s.t.: se reprehendere ne + subj.
To make up a story (ie. false tale, lie) that.... comminisci + indirect statement (T)
To tell the whole story from start to finish: rem omnem narrare ordine (T)
Stoutly: obnixe (T)
To straggle/ wander about: dispalari (AG)
To straggle/ wander about: dispalari (AG)
I’ll go straight there: eo recta via illuc (T)
Straight(a)way: nunciam (Pl)
To stand up straight: se componere in rectum corporis statum (Er)
To keep a straight face: vultum componere (Er)
To have a straight-forward character: simplex esse (H)
Straight laced: vincto pectore (T)
Straight laced girls: vincto pectore virgines
Strangeness: insolentia, -ae (AG)
Stranger: extraneus, -i (Suet).
A strategic position: opportunitas loci (F)
The last straw: stillarium (S) (literally, the last drop)
He bribed the jury and on top of that, as the last straw he demanded sex with matrons and noble youths: nummos iudicibus dedit et strupra insuper matronarum et adulescentium nobilium stillarii loco exegit.
Straight(a)way: nunciam (Pl)
To stand up straight: se componere in rectum corporis statum (Er)
To keep a straight face: vultum componere (Er)
To have a straight-forward character: simplex esse (H)
Straight laced: vincto pectore (T)
Straight laced girls: vincto pectore virgines
Strangeness: insolentia, -ae (AG)
Stranger: extraneus, -i (Suet).
A strategic position: opportunitas loci (F)
The last straw: stillarium (S) (literally, the last drop)
He bribed the jury and on top of that, as the last straw he demanded sex with matrons and noble youths: nummos iudicibus dedit et strupra insuper matronarum et adulescentium nobilium stillarii loco exegit.
At the end of the street: in ultima platea (T)
To go up the street: ire platea sursum (T)
At full strength: universis viribus (F)
Strenuously: enixe (Ap)
To go up the street: ire platea sursum (T)
At full strength: universis viribus (F)
Strenuously: enixe (Ap)
To stretch one's limbs: nervos distendere (Er)
To strip s.t.: stringere aliquid (H)
To strip off one’s clothes: exuere vestes
Stripped: spoliatus, -a, -um (P)
Stripped: spoliatus, -a, -um (P)
Striped: virgatus, -a, -um (S)
To stroll: deambulare (T)
To go for a stroll: ire deambulatum (T)
To be very strong: gladiatorius esse (Er)
To struggle with s.t.: conflictare cum aliqua re. (e.g. malo; adversa fortuna) (T)
To struggle with s.t.: conflictare cum aliqua re. (e.g. malo; adversa fortuna) (T)
To be strung up: pendere (T)
To be strung up and whipped: plecti pendens
To strut: inambulare (Pl)
To strut: inambulare (Pl)
To stub one’s toe: detundere digitum (pedis) (Ap)
To stumble on (i.e. to find unexpectedly): offendere + acc/ incidere in + acc
Stupid/ foolish: subidus (AG)
To do s.t. stupid: stulte facere (Pl)
To do s.t. stupid: stulte facere (Pl)
Style (of a writer): oratio, -onis (C) (S)
Heraclitus, the obscurity of whose style gave him his surname: Heraclitus, cui cognomen fecit orationis obscuritas.
Plane style: siccitas orationis (C)/ verborum tenuitas (C)
Heraclitus, the obscurity of whose style gave him his surname: Heraclitus, cui cognomen fecit orationis obscuritas.
Plane style: siccitas orationis (C)/ verborum tenuitas (C)
In the grand style: sublimiter (Fr)
Subject matter: materia, -ae (Fr)
A substructure: substructio (AG)
A substructure: substructio (AG)
Subtelty: argutiae, -arum
Unsuccessfully: improspere (AG)
Successfully: prospere (T)
The business turned out successfully: res prospere evenit.
To succeed in doing s.t.: adsequi ut aliquid faceret (F)
Not to have much success: parum procedere (F)
To be flushed with success: tumidus successibus esse (F)
Successfully: prospere (T)
The business turned out successfully: res prospere evenit.
To succeed in doing s.t.: adsequi ut aliquid faceret (F)
Not to have much success: parum procedere (F)
To be flushed with success: tumidus successibus esse (F)
To suck up to s.o.: subigitare aliquem (Fr) subblandiri alicui (Pl)
So sue me: (mecum) agito lege (Pl)
Suffering: labor, -oris (Pl)
Suffering: labor, -oris (Pl)
To suffice/ be enough for: suppetere + dat (Fr)
This is enough for me for dinner: haec mihi sufficit ad cenam
A brilliant suggestion: dixisti pulchre (T)
A good suggestion! Bene mones! (Pl)
An excellent suggestion! pulchre mones (Er)
An excellent suggestion! pulchre mones (Er)
To make a suggestion: consilium dare
To suggest that s.t. be done: censere aliquid faciendum (Pl)
To suggest that…. admonere ut… (C) censere + indir. statement (T)
To go to bed without supper: decumbere incenatus (Pl)
To supply s.o. with s.t.: sufficere aliquid alicui
To supply s.t.: suggere aliquid (T)
Why do you supply the expense for these things? cur his rebus sumptum suggeris?
To support a wife and children: coniugem liberosque tolerare (F)
To support a family: familiam sustentare (T)
That's very supportive of you: secunda mihi facis (Pl)
To suppose some hypothetical case: ponere (T)
Suppose he loses his case: pone eum esse victum.
Surely: certo (Pl)
Surely that was a woman's voice: certo vox muliebris fuit
A flat surface: area, -ae (AG)
To go to bed without supper: decumbere incenatus (Pl)
To supply s.t.: suggere aliquid (T)
Why do you supply the expense for these things? cur his rebus sumptum suggeris?
To support a wife and children: coniugem liberosque tolerare (F)
To support a family: familiam sustentare (T)
That's very supportive of you: secunda mihi facis (Pl)
To suppose some hypothetical case: ponere (T)
Suppose he loses his case: pone eum esse victum.
Surely: certo (Pl)
Surely that was a woman's voice: certo vox muliebris fuit
A flat surface: area, -ae (AG)
To suprise s.oo./ to take s.o. by surprise: aliquem opprimere (Pl)
Surreptitiously: surreptim (Pont)
I know for sure: pro certo scio/ pro certo habeo
I don’t know for sure: non certum scio (T)
I’m sure: pro certo habeo
I’m quite certain: satis certo habeo (T)
To make sure that... not.... cavere ne (Pl)
Make sure you don't drop it: cave ne id demittas
To be sure/ sure that: sat scire / sat scire + indirect statement (T)
To make sure that... not.... cavere ne (Pl)
Make sure you don't drop it: cave ne id demittas
To be sure/ sure that: sat scire / sat scire + indirect statement (T)
To survive s.t./ s.o.: superesse alicui rei/ alicui (Pl)
Suspect/ suspicious
To be suspicious of s.o.: aliquem suspectum habere
I suspect that: mihi subolet + indirect statement (T)
To suspect that.... olfacere + indirect statement (P)
In suspense: suspensus, -a, -um (C) (Ap)
To hold someone in suspense: aliquem suspensum tenere (C)
To suspect that.... olfacere + indirect statement (P)
In suspense: suspensus, -a, -um (C) (Ap)
To hold someone in suspense: aliquem suspensum tenere (C)
I swear: ita me di ament (T)
I swear that I am delighted not so much for my sake as for hers: ita me di ament, ut non tam mea causa laetor quam illius (T)
Swear-words: textorum dicta (P)
To swear s.t. off: aliquid eiurare (P)
Swear-words: textorum dicta (P)
To swear s.t. off: aliquid eiurare (P)
Sweat over s.t.: insudare alicui rei (Pl)
To work up a sweat: consudare (Fr)
To make a clean sweep of s.t.: detergere aliquid (Pl)
To take a swig: sorbere (Pl)
Swimming pool: lavacrum, -i (AG)
A swindler: sychophanta, -ae (Pl) fraudulentus (Pl)
Sympathetic (ie. understanding and sympathizing with another's personality) morigerus -a, -um (Pl)
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